Anonymous's Forum Posts

  • I keep asking myself why don't they just finish what they start?

    You put in the Menu Editor and reference it in SYSTEM ... have you just forgoten?

    I appreciate everything you do but really MENU is a basic thing and should have been

    one of the first things Construct could provide with a few click... we are still waiting.

  • Are you sure? The only way? Sounds kinda concret. If this is true then I think Developers should

    create a means to make it easier somehow to reuse parts or complete .cap even...importing or


  • I totally agree and asked same question before having read this post.

    I think documentation is more important then keep pushing forward with more features.

    What is so hard about ----make feature---- document feature----

    ---add doc to pdf----add pdf to download?

    Its not up to community to document features...developer knows whats what when making.

    Developer needs to set priority to slow down and do this right (correctly).

    Yes new features are good and welcomed but how much more could be gained if we got

    direct doc input from Developers as features are implimented? In depth with Developers

    inside knowledge we would be educated and well informed from a reliable source and be

    more capable of contributing with the correct knowledge in a collected and organized form.

  • Can I cut and paste or drag and drop from one of my projects to another new project?

    You know so I dont have to keep writting the same events and actions over again?

    Say I have objects and events for a "Better Color Picker" that I will use in all my projects can I just

    copy them over somehow?

  • Can I Change the color of an Editbox background?

    White is nice but I really think my editbox stands out too much.

    Is there a way to make it a grey or light green like the background of this webpage?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Is There A Way To Create An .exe in Construct?

    Suppose I want to make an application that allows the user of my application to produce an executable. Essentially an application that outputs an application? Is there an .exe object in construct? Is it hidding in plain sight? Is there a trick or technique? Is it possible? Do I need to know how to script in Python to output and application? Am I asking or expecting too much? What do I need to know to do the job? Am I being too general...

  • I have tried using Python on a few occations and became frustrated because my knowledge of the language is almost nil but I believe that scripting is an asset in many circumstances...its just the learning curve that turns me off.

    As for Construct in general and Python specifically...a true help manual of basic use and technique

    would be a great help to the average low-level user. Im talking about a self-contained in-program help system not relying on internet access or even tutorials...just a straight up help .pdf file would be appreciated.

    Perhaps there already is one but I havent seen it. Everything Ive learned has been primarily from trial and error experimentation ... which has its own benefits but documentation should really be a top priority. Python can be learned from reading available reading material but reading material on construct seems to be piece-meal...hit and miss...where is the manual??? If you make a feature write it up in a .pdf file and add it to the manual and send the manual with the download...some people dont love to spend loads of time online searching for answers from other users.

    Just my thoughts...the Construct program with it's Python scripting is so powerful an idea but power is put to its greatest use with the knowledge of how to impliment that power...this I believe is where Construct falls short...maybe Im just ignorant of existing resources but please someone put out an in depth manual without the need to search posts and tutorials...I like one-stop-shopping.

    Not having to drive all over the plpace to find one tid-bit after another..Anyway

  • I know you've more then likely touched on this topic more then a handful of times but why is getting the Menu object such a low priority...I've been using Construct for a very long time and keep hoping with each new version that the Menu is going to be implimented...disappointment again.

    There it is...System-->Menu Item Clicked....but "Invalid System Condition Referenced" darn it.

    I realize I can easily make menu structures with sprites and layouts etc. but a quick windows-type menu system will speed up delevopement of many of my non-game projects.

    Seems to me creating quick menus would be at the top of the list.

    Anyway I love Construct and find it amazingly useful....thanks all that contribute.

  • Very interesting game. Do it come with different characters?

  • Of course DS would be better than the iTouch, it was specifically made for gaming.

  • In the console log just before the exception that says that the file cannot be found is a log message that says what the file path is. The place where your startup script is placed must match that path.

    If the component thinks the script should be in a directory like ...scripts/2/startup.js then you are using the latest version of the component and the path to the script uses the cell name as part of the path, in this case the cell name is '2'. You can edit the cell name and change it to 'default' and the script will be found.

  • The image Tiler is a program that allows you to see how image files will look when tiled. Select the folder that contains your image files and click on a thumbnail or double click the file to view the tiled representation. You can also test your system fonts in any color and size on these backgrounds.

  • Hello. Howdy.

    A Birthday is A Million Moments, Each holding A Promise Of Fulfillment Of UR Dreams, & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Of Some Special Plans.. Wish U A Very Happy B"DAy

    did you like this SPAM SPAM SPAM?

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  • Har! I be a pirate. That enough for you lad?

  • Har! My parrot's name was wissywig.