Anonnymitet's Forum Posts

  • Tetriser I know but that is not the problem. The problem is to set upp all my events so the keyboard can be used. This is a very complicated process with a 4 player game and my coding was not optimal in the beginning when I set up the controls. So that is why I was so afraid of implementing the keyboard controls.

    But I've finally made it work and now one player can use the keyboard as well

  • Trap Run Mini Game added to 8Bit Fiesta

    Gameplay videos found here:

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  • I would recommend using spritefonts instead. Then you know exactly how the fonts will look on all devices. Because web fonts are like you see not always consistant. So I always use sprite fonts

  • Finally made some gameplay videos with two players. I'll update them with 4 player action as soon as I can. The Trap Run mini game was a blast to play on local multiplayer <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Trap Run Gameplay:

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    Battle Arena Gameplay:

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    Lava Dodge Gameplay:

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  • Updated the game and finally have gameplay video with 2 players. Will update with 4players ASAP.

    Trap Run Gameplay:

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    Battle Arena Gameplay:

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    Lava Dodge Gameplay:

    More mini games will be added daily!

    Follow my devlog here:


  • New Mini Game Added!


    The player who gets to the door first wins the point. Players can kill other players by jumping on them and make them respawn at the start. To avoid it being too hard I've made it so that every obstacle gets destroyed if it has killed two players

  • You can use percent instead. So the length of the green health bar is 100% when its full and if you get hit you subtract the amount from the health bar in percent.

    So if your HP is set to 100 and you get hit by an enemy causing -10HP you subtract 10% of the length of the bar.

    And when you're high level and your HP is set to maybe 1000 and you get hit by the same enemy causing -10HP you only subtract 1% of the healthbars length.

  • How is the player destroying the enemies? You can give the destroy event some condition to tell construct what enemy you want to destroy. Are you using a trigger?

    Post a screenshot so we can see how you set up the events.

  • Here is an updated screenshot of another mini game called Lava Dodge. Here you try to avoid the lava and the last survivor wins the point

  • Elliott I agree but that is my problem. My game is built so when controller one is connected you get assigned and control player one. The same goes for controller 2, 3 and 4.

    I tried to add a keyboard controller option but that makes the keyboard control player one and if you then add a gamepad the gamepad also controls player one. So I haven't found a good solution how to make it work in a good way.

    If I had thought of this from the beginning it had been a no brainer but I'm so far into the project with alot of layouts and I don't know how to implement it now

  • ryanrybot Thank you. The Battle Arena mini game sure has a Tower Fall vibe and it was much intentional. But that is just a small part of the game. In the game you compete in many different game types and you'll get other vibes from them as well. Like Mario Kart and others. But I'm also adding new unique game modes into the mix

  • Hi.

    I'm developing a local multiplayer party game right now and have only made it playable with the gamepads. The game is getting pretty serious now and me and my friends play it all the time. So I really want to finnish this but I can't see how I would be able to add keyboard and mouse controls to the game now. It just is too complicated when the game has been built from the ground up with gamepads in mind controlling different characters

    Do you think you can have a game with only gamepad support on Steam? Now I wish it was possible to publish games on Playstation and Xbox

  • old

  • Zeth Sounds like a plan. Try to have stationary stars in the background and some space dust with low opacity moving down to get the sense of speed

  • Zeth Looks really nice! One suggestion is to make the stars in the background not moving or move really really slow. When stars are that small it means that they are very far away and shouldn't be moving so much. Just like you don't see the stars move in the sky even though earth is travelling about 30-40km per second