AngelEyes's Forum Posts

  • Another way to tackle randomisation, is to use the sprite with a forward motion and every now and then modify it's angle, speed etc. This will give a greater variety of movement and make the sheep far more natural looking. I would consider abandoning the 8 direction for the sheep. There are a lot of permutations you can do. Instead of using the bullet you can event the forward movement. Combined with instance variables you can set sheep speed in the events also.

    Have a look here:

    I have not analyzed your sheep movement 100%, but I also think that your events are conflicting with each other, giving the sheep that epileptic fitting every now and then. A good idea is to work with a single idea, ie change direction every now and then. Get it working perfect. Then implement the next thing. It helps to see when one thing breaks the other.

    Good luck

  • Paradox, thanks for the heads up.

  • Kyatric, thanks will give that a go.

  • Kyatric, thanks for the heads up. Maybe I will give r143 a bash. Can I install two versions alongside each other by choosing a different install directory, or will that give me clashes?

  • Kyatric, I am using the latest stable release, r139. As I am fairly new to C2, I figured stick with the stable releases, so I am sure it is my fault and not the program, when I mess something up.

  • danno55 yes that is the way I understand it. Any changes you make at object level will effect all the instances. However you make changes to each instance on the layout.

    What I have found a real frustration is when making a clone it seems to make it with default settings. So if you create a Sprite. Make modifications to the default settings and then clone it you lose all modifications made. Perhaps I have missed something so far.

  • PKrawczynski you are correct.

  • Perhaps look at using a bullet behaviour and using the gravity setting along with bounce off solids. Can replicate a simple physics environment and might work for what you are doing.

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  • It sounds like you want to keep actually swop out the object, not just the image during runtime, so that all the object properties, events etc move with the image. Did I understand correctly. I think if you look at families in the manual it might solve your problem combined with what keepee suggested. Be aware you need a personal license to use families.

  • Read this manual entry it gives a great start for working on performance and also answers your question.

  • Hi There, I am from South Africa and use the AngelEyes handle as we are particularly interested in making games to educate, train, exercise and just have fun, for people who are only able to use their eyes as an input source. We use Tobii Eye trackers and are looking to make games using that as our input source (as opposed to keyboard, mouse, touch, or gamepad)

  • andreyin thank you, lovely addition to the discussion.

  • Not sure if it is the right place, but wanted to share with the community. We are presenting at the Eye Tracking South Africa Conference currently running in Cape Town, and among other things will be talking about Construct 2 and the possibilities that it offers eye tracking users.

  • "but what about Google? it has lots of users that are not willing to pay for anything"

    Alot of the reasons stated szymek are problematic for any developer, regardless of platform. There is a certain playing population that will never pay.

    Perhaps we as developers are partly to blame. The current trend to make people pay to remove adverts as seen on alot of iPad games, is actually insulting to our customers. Basically we are saying, I have put an annoyance in your game, so that you can pay me to remove it. Perhaps we need to look at our ethics, and try engage our paying public on a slightly higher level. ie make a great game that people are willing to pay for.

  • Przemek32767, thank you very much. Found the existence of the browser object most useful. Thanks for taking the time to answer.