AngelEyes's Forum Posts

  • Aaah. If you want it for personal, not commercial, use then you can often find some free stuff on the forums here or on the web. For example this is a sound website I have used before and is actually allowed for commercial use and there are others around.

    You can also pick up explosion generators off the web, which make explosions for you.

    In my experience it is a bit of a scrounge if you are not going to do it yourself.

  • Look at the bottom of the website, under the download section, you will see Game Assets. There is the official free bundle. Also search the forums. People do post freebies from time to time.

  • Have a look at the Template: Auto runner. They seem to use random platform length. You could just tag your start and end blocks on.

    You can find the templates in Construct 2, New Project, and scroll down.

    Hope that helps

  • Check out collisions with offset in the sprite actions. Look at line of sight behaviour if there are obstacles and you want the players to be able to hide behind them.

    Good luck

  • You could also use an animation on the gun. First frame without flash. When you want the flash, just play the animation.

  • There is a lot of interaction between the player and the devil. Perhaps using a combination of a function call, using the text as paramaters, storing the text in arrays and using your Events complete as the index array might help clean up your event sheet, especially as I presume it will get more complex as the game develops.

    You could move your physics world gravity=0 to the on start of layout instead of every tick.

    There is alot of work being done for your dustpan and tape to follow the broom around. If it remains static, you could put the tape-broom as an animation on the player, change it when appropriate and then just move the player around. The dustpan will need to remain seperate so it can be physics to interact with the box.

    Good luck

  • This was fun. Thanks for posting. Perhaps this will help as a starting point.

  • , once you have a dropbox account (they will need your email address for that), put the file in your Public dropbox folder. Rightclick > copy public link and paste it here. Everyone will be able to access the file.

    I think I read somewhere that links and probably images are only allowed if you have a reputation over 500

    Link 1

    Link 2

    Link 3

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Nice Idea. I second Jase00, I could see this really being useful for origin and image point placement.

  • "Game Economics" is a field all in itself and is part of the character of your game. Remember there is no right or wrong way, it is part of the game and if done well becomes the carrot that leads the player through the game. The economics, help them believe if they play just one more round they will be able to get that bigger gun.

    You can do the health and gun strength linearly, add 20 to health each time, but increase number of enemies exponentially (using a polynomial as above). The choice is yours, provided it balances.

    Ramp up difficulty to quickly and the player is overwhelmed. To slowly it becomes to easy. If they have to do some gold mining to get through the next level, it becomes a bit boring. To complicated and people will ignore parts of it.

    A game with great graphics and sound, but bad economics is often still a bad game.

    After the initial planning there is no substitute for play testing. Have fun.

  • There is also System > Create Object.

    Useful if you want the spawning to take place from a moving object. Set the x and y to that of the moving object. For example if you want the player to drop grenades as they run.

    Could also use it with global variables to create a roaming spawning point.

  • railslave, dt does not help frame rate, but rather makes movements frame rate independent. Thus if you do sprite move 100*dt, it will move 100 pixels in a second, regardless of frame rate. The system calculates the dt appropriately to make sure you move 100 pixels in a second.

    For create this every three seconds you do not need dt, as you are already frame rate independent and it will create the object every three seconds.

    If you have not already read it, I found this tutorial very helpful.

    It is most likely good to include dt in your movement and angle calculations. Note that at very low frame rates your movements may become jerky as you move large distances per tick. For very static games, like memory matching it will probably not make a difference.

  • sifar, tried to change your capx, but my freebie version wont let me. Your function Find Matches is getting called every tick I think, which also means that your Hex is getting set every tick and hence you add 10 every tick. The problem is you have a wait 2 seconds before destroying the balls, so it just adds up the score. You need to put in some method that once it recognises the hexagon to go, you need to stop it recounting that hexagon until the balls are destroyed.

    To test, where you put the seven, add one to the seven variable. I bet it will reach 27.

    PS, really cool game. Hope that puts you on the right track.

  • sifar, It looks like you have already got the hexagon identification done, as you are placing a 7 on the middle ball. Have a separate variable "Hex", each time you place a 7, add one to Hex. When you come to make the score add Hex*7 to the score. Will that do it?

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  • PlasmaGames2013 if you switch off the UI and Game layers does the Background look correct? If so then check to make sure the UI and Game layers have their backgrounds set to transparent.