AndyRevenko's Forum Posts

  • Dear All, could you please help me

    C2 244 release failed with local storage.

    I've created the simpliest example

    Will be very gratefull! Before 244 it was working ok

  • Problem Description

    Local storage in 244 release does not work

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    1) on start layout - Create and fill the Array

    2) Save that Array (as item with key ="Array") as JSon with the help Of LocalStorage

    3) Get the item with key "Array" when pressing green sprite

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1) Run capx 2) press green sprite. Observed Result LocalStorage does not work Expected Result LocalStorage should find the item Affected Browsers
      • Chrome: (YES)
      • FireFox: (YES)
      • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    244 release

  • Dear All, Could you help me in the folllowing matter:

    I spent all night trying to use path finding behaviour, and I am frustrated

    Does anyone meet the same problem?

  • If I understand you correctly, you want to save your maps to the desktop, right?

    If that is the case and since you are on Windows anyways (and not a mobile device), I recommend using the NW.js plugin with which you can save files directly to a location that you specify.

    The LocalStorage plugin is more useful for savegames than for actual filesaving.

    THank you very much! It works now

  • Dear All!

    Could you help me in the following:

    1) In my game I've created a designer for maps, I save maps to dofferent files in sandbox with LockalStorage

    2) On my desktop it works fine, I can save and load maps

    3) But where can I find these saved maps on my desktop to include them in my final game version???

    Will be very gratetuful!


  • well, that was an entertaining thread


    Thought I would add another example...

    Like gameglaux said (maybe a little poorly), if you don't want the single tap code to execute, you have to add a delay and wait to see if there is going to be a double-tap. After a short delay, if there has not been a double tap, then you can execute the single tap code. The single tap event will always fire, so you have to come up with a method of waiting. The double tap event does fire if there are two quick taps on the sprite.

    I took up gameglaux's challenge and make a capx where you single tap to destroy a sprite, or double tap to make it flash. It took 4 events (plus two to spawn a new sprite to try again).

    THanks a lot!

  • AndyRevenko

    You can add another condition to the tap on background to say "Touch is not touching player"

    (you do that by saying "Touch is touching Player" and then Invert that).


  • Separate layers.

    Check layer "on tap".


  • > lamar using those triggers: make a sprite destroy itself on a single tap, but flash on a double tap


    Now think real hard....

    If you destroy the sprite you double tap you sure as hell can't tap it again to make it flash.

    Just like I asked why you would double tap a sprite already set to double tap?

    Nice try but fail!

    Try this:

    Lamar, row number 2 " double tap on sprite4" will NEVER run. If you delete that row nothing will changes

  • > Boy you guys are hard headed lol!


    > Here is the CAPX and events:






    > Tap and double tap when used as expected on a single event work perfectly to set a trigger.


    > If you are using multiple events use singe tap with a wait to set the triggger variable.


    > I use these all the time in my games guys!


    Sorryl Lamar, but you have used "double tap" for one sprite (sprite4) , and "tap" for another - spriteread.

    I was trying to use both events for the same sprite

    Oh, sorry - you have used both events for the sprite4, Bu I do not see when "Double tap on sprite4" will run. it will be never fired, because "tap" overwrite it.

    Here is my testing example:

  • Boy you guys are hard headed lol!

    Here is the CAPX and events:

    Tap and double tap when used as expected on a single event work perfectly to set a trigger.

    If you are using multiple events use singe tap with a wait to set the triggger variable.

    I use these all the time in my games guys!

    Sorryl Lamar, but you have used "double tap" for one sprite (sprite4) , and "tap" for another - spriteread.

    I was trying to use both events for the same sprite

  • >

    > User will double tap (or tap) whenever he wants, he will not be going to delve into game inner structure


    Can you share a capx or explain what functionality the tap and double tap will be performing?

    On "tap" I planned to select object for some operation in future (move, copy, so on), on "double tap" I would just to destroy the objest It would be very easy to user for understanding;

    here is screenshots (from my google drive), i tried to test both events, but only "tap" or course was running

  • > Dear lamar, you made the perfect capx to clearly show the opposite. So allow me to rest your case.


    > Want a fresh coffee to make up ?


    I would say you simply don't understand the function of double tap and tap to set a variable trigger but maybe can't admit it?

    If you have already set a variable with double tap why would you double tap again.

    If you need to toggle between event actions use single tap and just toggle the variable.

    It is that simple!

    User will double tap (or tap) whenever he wants, he will not be going to delve into game inner structure

  • >

    > > Tap and double tap can be used on the same sprite.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > Use tap or double tap to set a trigger using a global variable.

    > >


    > The OP is already using this. The problem is the tap gesture always runs <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    If it always runs it is because he is not using the trigger variable properly.

    If he wants to post an image of his events or a CAPX I will gladly look at why his tap event is always running.

    Lamar, her is screen shot (from my google drive, for I don't know how to directly insert image in this forum) ... FwbTA/view

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  • Dear All, could you help me in the following situation:

    I have two sprites:

    1) Background

    2) My character

    For sure, my character is above the background

    I've implemented two event handlers: "tap on background" and "tap on character"

    BUT, when I taps on character, the handler "tap on background" also fires

    Is this a way to prevent start all "tap on...." exept the sprite i just tapped?

    Thank you in advance,
