AndyRevenko's Forum Posts

  • Dear all,

    Construct 2 ignores option "Preferences->Preview->Default preview browser"

    Thanks a lot again, Construct 2 team!

  • Dear All,

    Here is another bug (I'm just tired of this all!)

    Construct 2 debugger - it's a great bug - EVERY TIME I'm debugging the same layout, debugger shows EVERY TIME different data:

    • the number of objectcs differ from time to time (while layout has only static objects)
    • the number of objects can be ZERO, while I can see this objects on the screen!

    I fill crazy abouh construct 2, it's impossible to describe it's all bugs!

  • Dear all,

    could you help me - am I alone who do not get the answers on my questions?

    Sincerely yours,


  • Dear all, could you help me -

    1) I've made the UI layout for the common UI interface (by the tutorial)

    2) from the beginning I'm jumipng to this UI layout, and immediately jumping to game layout, everything works fine, but -

    The question is: WHY the UI elements are doubled, for I can see this in the dubugger ?

    Sincerely yours,


  • Dear All, could you help me: in Construct 2 - when starting LAN preview - no sound effects on mobile devices - (safari). On desctop all is right)

    Any Ideas?

    Sincerely yours,


  • Dear All, could you help me:

    1) I've exported construct 2 project on windows 10 universal platform, and I want it to be always in full screen mode.

    2)I've edited start.js file by adding applicationView.tryEnterFullScreenMode(); - it works OK on start game

    But what shall I do to prevent users by changing window size, for win10 project always display titlebar with 3 buttons ?

    I will be very gratefull for your help, for without your help my work will be nothing

  • Dear All,

    Cuold you tell me, which way can I forbid my game from leaving fullsceen mode in windo10 universal?

    Construct 2 cannot correctly scaling game feild if user changes window size, so I would my game will alway be running in fullscreen mode on Win10 desctop.

    Thyank you in advance,


  • Dear All, could you help me in the following:

    1) I've manage to create game on Android, its ok - running in fullscreen. Its OK

    2) Then I've exported my project on Windows 10 Universal and open it Visual Studio, and ran it in Windows 10 simulator. It's OK

    3) But when I tried to run it in my local machine (on desctop) - it's terrible!!!! It never run in full screen from start, all objects are not in their places, when I force gamw window in full sxreen - the same terrible things!

    Does anyone of you have managed creating win 10 game on Desctop? How can I force project on windows 10 universal to run in fullscreen mode?

    Will be very gratefull,


  • Have you tried using OriginalWindowWidth and OriginalWindowHeight?

    It would look something like this sprite -> set position -> x= OriginalWindowWidth y= OriginalWindowHeight.

    imhptep, thank you for the answer!

    it works withing window, while I've created layout that is larger than window (so i can scroll game), but it is very funny - untill now I cant get how to find programmatically the x coordinate of the layout right edge

  • Dear all, could you help me in the following:

    I want a sprite to be placed always at the right side of the layouts (their size are different) in my game, but I cant figure out how to get the correct X. Size of the layouts could be larger than window sizes.

    I've tried:

    1) x = LayoutWidth

    2) x = CanvasToLayerX(LayerBackground,LayoutWidth,layoutHeight / 2);

    3) x = LayerToCanvasX(LayerBackground,LayoutWidth,layoutHeight / 2);

    but all i vain, the sprite is always far away from the desired position

    Will be very gratefull,


  • Dear All!

    Could you tell me, how many sounds can I play simultaneously without CPU overload? For example, in my game about 20 objects, and I'm planning to play sound foreach of them? I'm asking for I now, in iPad 2 I had some problem when many sounds were playing simultaneously.

    Thank you in advanse,


  • Using rexrainbow 's plugin seem the way to go:

    THanks a lot!

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  • Dear All, could you help me in the following:

    I want the sound to start and stop with fade in/out effect, like for a sprite

    Will be very gratefull,


  • THanks a lot, TeslaPC!

    I've rebooted my laptop, and it's works fine now. Win 10

    Thanks a lot and sorry for trouble!

  • Hi Ashley!

    I've rebooted my laptop, and it's works fine now. Win 10

    Thanks a lot and sorry for trouble!