androidstrgames's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • PM me the site name, I can think about it.

    You can use Github pages and Firebase hosting to host your files. It's free.

  • You can't publish an app or get public URL for your app, unless you don't add this things in your app.

    1. You need to add a high-res icon. [English (United States) – en-US]

    2. You need to add a feature graphic. [English (United States) – en-US]

    3. You need to add at least 2 non-Android TV screenshots. [English (United States) – en-US]

    4. You need to select a category.

    5. You need to add a short description. [English (United States) – en-US]

    6. You need to add a full description. [English (United States) – en-US]

    7. You need to upload an APK for this application.

    8. You need to target at least one country.

    9. You need to enter a privacy policy URL.

    10. You need to make your application free or set a price for it.

    11. You need to declare whether or not your application contains ads.

    12. Your app is missing a required content rating. Go to your app's Content Rating page and complete a rating questionnaire.

    Have you seen the 7th point? It's necessary to upload apk, then you can publish the app and will get the URL.

  • There are lot's of app creator tool like thunkable, appsgeyser, xamarin, phonegap etc.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello all members here, My self Sachin, I love playing strategy games in PC and now in android as well. I am computer science student, and I want to make my own strategy games, I have build some apps and want to share and get a knowledge from this awesome community.

  • 5 posts