The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hey,

    I'm Mary!

  • Hello fellow constucters,

    I'm Mark and live in the north east of Scotland. As someone who loves playing games ever since I got my first computer, (Commodore64) and console (Sega Master System) I feel now is the time to start making my own games because the technology and software available these days has made it so much simpler for complete beginners. When I went to college I studied Nautical Science which is worlds away from game making My occupation is a seaman and I work offshore on ships so all of this is new to me, I have no background or skills involving programming or anything with designing and making apps/games.

    After looking in to how to make games and reading about the many different game engines I decided Construct2 would be the easiest method for myself due to its simplicity for beginners. My intention is to learn as much as I can using all the wonderful tutorials and videos available here, then make my own games in my free time. When and if I make a game I think is really fun that others would enjoy playing then I will share it with others, but for now, my main focus is gaining knowledge & learning a new skill with Construct2. Having purchased a personal license I intend to start my first project tomorrow

  • Hi, my name is Yuriy and I'm creator of project. So, I make tools for game developers and now I'm working on particle effects editor. It has a great potential. And I'm looking forward on cooperating with developers of Construct 2 to make integration of NeutrinoParticles effects with this engine. So, everybody who using Construct will have access to easy creating of great effects.

  • Hi to all. New to the forums Senior Game Artist interested on becoming a full time developer.

  • hello everyone! im Giovanni from italy, sorry for my english ^^

    i'm here because im thinking about buy C2, waiting for some promotion

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi

  • Hello!

    This is a new beginning!!!

    I translate ... elike-game today and write about Procedural generation (I will publish soon! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /> )!

    I want to help the community grow and create great games!

  • Hi guys. We are required to learn this program for assessment and thought about using it for home so I can do my game at home as well.

  • do i seriously have to do this?

  • Hi guys!! I am a student who loves coding and making games. I use Scratch as a way to share my games with now with the Construct 2 engine I'm going to try to release a few decent game on the website here!! Thanks for reading!!

  • hello!

  • Hello all members here, My self Sachin, I love playing strategy games in PC and now in android as well. I am computer science student, and I want to make my own strategy games, I have build some apps and want to share and get a knowledge from this awesome community.

  • Hello everyone, new newbie here xD


  • Hello everyone!

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