androidpro's Forum Posts

  • i have a good idea to how make menu easily.

    i make a menu with all texts and ,button, and designs i want in photoshop. ( it not take much time if you know what you doing ) after you finish designing your menu import it in construct 2 then add image buttons (not default button) object to your layout and rename them, for example if i create a text in photoshop that say : start the game, i rename the image button to start, and move them inside the text you want be clickable, and make this event : image button (renamed to start) : en clicked → action : system : go to layout when the game start.

    i hope you understand what i mean . i make easily background menus with the same method

  • yeah a678182f just import again the sound with the same name as a .wav sound to your sound folder in construct 2, yours old imported sound will be replaced

  • hi my friends my name is soufiane i started play games since 1994 in arcade ( my first game played is art of fighting then fatal fury) now im a pro player in king of fighters 2002 ( i play online vs many players around the world) , i like design -but i can't paint well- and play all kind of games. now i try to make my dream come true ( my dream is to build my own games) .

    i came here because i love this place , and love this software, i will try to be helpful as i can

    that's all about me, good luck to all

  • i think its recommended to import .wav PCM- 16 bit files to your projects instead of importing just ogg vorbis format. because when you import a wav audio , construct will convert it to 2 format m4a ( which supported by some browsers like safari and internet explorer) and ogg vorbis format ( which supported by the famous browsers) , but if you upload just ogg audio, construct will not convert it to m4a ( so sound may not working in some browsers) it convert it to ogg only.

    this is how to import audio as mentioned in manual :

    i think you can convert your mp3 audio files to .wav also with VLC

  • you have the latest version of google chrome and mozilla firefox? try to update your browsers and see if the problem fixed

  • you're welcome my friend

  • are you sure you are in the crosswalk tab when you add plugins settings and when you want to build your game ? because this tutorial work 100%

  • i just finish to redesign my game but i still confused about how to make ads work correctly in my app, exactly what event i must add in construct 2 to make the plugin work and ads visible. and also still confused about the best physics engine i must use : box2d or box2d asm.js please help me

  • try to add this action :

    box : set rotate speed to ( you can add how much degree per second as you want)

    the rotate behavior must be added to the box

  • Try Construct 3

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  • you are welcome MadSpy

  • are you try what i was posted in my previous post ?

  • try this event : your character on collision with the power up → action : your character , set double jump enabled

    platfrom behavior should added to your character before you doing this event

  • try :

    system : every 0.1 second → box : simulate platform pressing jump

    in your box, platform behavior should be present

  • i think they wont work directly in bluestack if you export them with intel.XDX , you must export the game as android, not crosswalk and it will work very laggy and buggy. there is another option to test android games in your computer, but i don't know if it work or not, just download an android ISO system and run it with VMWARE , then upload your game in dropbox and test it .

  • i think you use a tool to delete temporary files located in %temp% folder, or you delete them manually, the same problem was happen to me when i delete all files located in that folder. the solution giving by gumshoe2029 work for me.