Hey guys,
I have a box that jumps whenever I press a key, I want to keep him jumping if the key is not released, any ideas? please help.
What do you mean with keep jumping?
Go further upwards or when landing jump again?
let say when I press SPACE my box jumps and fall to the ground, what I want:: if I keep pressing(without releasing it) space he jumps and when he lands he rejump and so on until I release SPACE he stops jumping??
I'm not sure what behaviour you are using, but if you are using platform it would be something like:
Box on landed
keyboard space is down
box platform simulate pressing jump
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try :
system : every 0.1 second → box : simulate platform pressing jump
in your box, platform behavior should be present
Box keep jumping
here is the link to my event sheet:
whenever I use the "on key down" the box keep rotating on the ground when he finish his first jump and doesn't rejump??? ,please help.
are you try what i was posted in my previous post ?
yeah androidpro I tried it and the box rejump like I want it but their is a problem in the rotation it doesn't rotate as the first jump??
try to add this action :
box : set rotate speed to ( you can add how much degree per second as you want)
the rotate behavior must be added to the box
if you saw the image on the link you can know that I am trying to make the box fall on 270 or 90 or 180 degree when he falls on the ground , but somehow when I added the rotate behavior and tried what you said it interfered with my the jump angle and my box no longer fall with those degrees on the ground??
The capx I linked does do that..
post again the link in red and bold character lol
thanks thanks thanks LittleStain it works perfectly.