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  • Hey everyone, got an update for you on this.

    I'm sorry for the delay, this has required a bit more work than I expected. We should be publishing a beta release today that includes the user consent dialog. Unfortunately this is only for Android at the moment, I did want to also have an iOS version out today but I've been having trouble getting the iOS SDK to compile.

    As the iOS component is part of the cordova plugin ( construct-mobile-advert ) I can publish new revisions of that outside of the C3 release cycle. Hopefully I will be able to get a working iOS version up over the next few days.

    I feel like I should warn everyone that adverts are now more involved. In Construct you will now have to specify your application ID, publisher ID ( available on your admob settings page and looks like "pub-012134127862" ) as well as the URL to your applications privacy policy. Furthermore you will need to change your ad technology provider list from default to custom and select a maximum of 12 providers ( this is a limitation of the Google consent dialog ).

    Either on your games start page or settings page you need to add a button to display the user consent dialog, as it is a requirement that you allow your users to change or withdraw their consent.

    You can find more information on the following pages:

    Selecting ad technology providers

    Google Mobile Ads Android SDK: Requesting user consent

    When you app is launching the mobile advert plugin will do the following:

    1. Check user consent status

    2. If status is either "PERSONALISED" or "NON_PERSONALISED" enable ads and stop

    3. Check if user is in the EEA

    4. If the user is not in the EEA enable personalised ads and stop

    5. Show the user consent dialog

    6. If the user selects personalised or non personalised enable ads and stop

    7. Otherwise keep ads disabled

    hello and the problem is how to implement this in construct ? and thank you

  • >

    > > try it cordova cli

    > >

    > >

    > how to implement ads in cordova cli ? if you have a turorial to how do that will be very nice and thank you


    - plugin or

    - instal on cordova cli, check Installation references on links.

    ok thank you very much i will try that

  • try it cordova cli

    how to implement ads in cordova cli ? if you have a turorial to how do that will be very nice and thank you

  • what about creating a dialog like the one posted by nepeo ? and create a 2 button . one for (yes) the user confirm that we can collecte data by serve relevant ads to him. and the other button (no). if he click yes the user enter in the game normally . if he click no the user redirect to the google privacy policy page then after a 6 to 10 seconds the app close itself . its a good idea? or we must add the google SDK ? and another question . they said that 25/05/2018 the update will take effect . so if we not update our applications . admob maybe will be in dangerous ? also what about people who publish hundreds of applications in many stores and using admob or adsense ? i think its impossible to update all these apps in short time period especially if the developer is individual .

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • any clear answer please friends ? and thank you in advanced

  • Oh, you meant "dictionary" type app, not the Dictionary data object in Construct 2!

    Check out the CSV plugin:

    yeah my friend not the plugin i want to make a dictionary type application. ok i will check it out thank you much appreciate your help

  • This is a very broad question and you didn't provide much information about your game.

    You can keep three copies of each key with language suffix, for example:




    Or you can store all three values in one key:



    Then you'll need a function that will parse this string and return the right value for each language.

    As for the second question, it's better to use smaller sprites, tiled backgrounds and text objects for text. If you make each page as a big sprite, it will use a lot of memory!

    See this blog post from Scirra: ... memory-796

    Hello and thank you for your answer i appreciate that. as i said its not a game its a dictionary with 3 languages with some illustrate. that have some feature as i mentioned in my first comment. so i need to know what plugins i need to use and the structure or the plan i must follow to make it. so please if you have any example or a mini capx example would be great.

    and thank you very much for this valuable information about the second question. yeah i will use texts and tiled background and not a big sprite.

  • this is a tutorial made by me to how integrate google admob by using : ... ep-by-step

    you can skip adding admob sdk line code in config.xml ( because it work for me just by adding admob plugin to construct 2 project. ) if you have any question just reply here

  • Hello everyone. please i need to know how to make a trilangue dictionary with construct2 . with some features like instant search, history, word builder and sharing, text to speech, favourites and work offline then save words? and thank you in advanced.

    also i have another question. what the difference between create a book with background text objects, or make background contain already all text and paragraph by photoshop or any other tool. then add it to construct 2 as sprite ?

  • You can try ad mediation. This way you'll be able to integrate AdMob and other networks (which you should choose based on your ad format and geo). Check out: Appodeal, Iron Source, Vungle.

    Also, keep in mind that AdMob performs best with banners.

    hello and thank you for reply. i don't try it yet but in a fb page i heard that . when you use admob with construct cpc will be very low. so i post here to see if that is true or not.

  • hello . i hope if someone can response to my thread or have experience about that. thank you in advanced

  • hello everyone. i heard from some people that when you using admob plugin integrated with construct 2 . cpc will be very low. then earning profit will be bad. so my question is that right ? if yes there are any solutions ? because i plan to buy construct 2. and thank you

  • i use and i never face like that problem. maybe you compile with the wrong keystore ? also try to setup all things from the first step or with another game and see if the problem still exist.

  • Has anybody got it working using Phonegap Build with Construct 2? I'm not getting an error but I'm not seeing banners either

    i think the problem of the banner not showing is something related to admob. because not just who use construct 2 have that problem. i have an app build by android studio and sometimes i see banners , sometimes not. and many other people have the same problem .

  • i don't think the problem is from construct 2 but from the plugin itself . also when i use cocoon canvas + i get a weird space in the game side. i will make a tutorial step by step to how use regular admob plugin to show ads soon <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    edit : i just make a tutorial to how setup admob ads enjoy : ... ep-by-step