andreyin's Forum Posts

  • It runs fine here, have you tried testing it on other computers?

  • Node-Webkit is fine, but you might want to check this first-

    With Node-webkit, basically anyone with a zip file extractor can open the package.nw file you have and extract every graphic in the game, change it, then put it back.

  • Agni sorry, what do you mean? I haven't tested saving with webstorage yet, what happens when you do it? It creates a file in the game's folder?

  • Agni weird, I just tried it out and it worked! I renamed it to .zip and it didn't extract, I even tried using a software called "UniExtract" which usually extracts whatever it cans from .exe files, and all it extracted were some weird files.

    And the game still runs perfectly!

    Did you do it right? You have to add the files at the bottom, then pick the exe at the top and click process.

    Like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Yay, an achievement system!

  • Hey Agni

    I posted about this on the node-webkit google group and someone recommended me this:

    It's free to use commercially, too! I haven't tested it yet though.

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know if its possible to integrate Kongregate achievements onto my game? I searched around and read about statistics, but found no anwser as to real achievements.


  • austin thanks, I think that actually did the trick!

    Edit: Nevermind, now it doesn't work anymore ):

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Really weird! I installed the new plugin, ran C2, tested the game and everything worked. Then I restarted it and now this!

  • I was finishing my game and same thing happened here.. if I try to preview it I get the clay_plugin.js error, but it disappears if I put the game online. I only made one game with before this one and it has been a while so I can't remember if it did work in the preview..

    Also, even so, when I start the game I ask the player to login but it's impossible. If I put my username/password the modal goes away but as soon as I try to award the player anything, it comes back and won't let me log in.

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  • ArcadEd thanks, and thanks for the help! :)

  • I'm making a big game in C2 and I've got a publisher, so I've made a decent ammount of money (enough to keep me going, buy new equipment, a business C2 license, etc).

    C2 is only a toy for kids if you want it to be; if you want to make a decent ammount of money you can't expect it to just drop from the heavens right into your lap. You have to make a decent app, publish it, advertise it, send it everywhere you have the chance. Last year when I started making my game I decided to take it seriously and built a prototype, then added it to Steam Greenlight, made a Devlog, posted it on a crowd-funding website, sent emails to video games magazines/websites/blogs from my country, I really went all in. The feedback was enough to get the attention of my publisher, so they contacted me and we've made a deal.

    Of course, I think most people want to build an app in 2 days and complain about how you didn't get rich when you posted it on the android market, but I don't think that's how it works.

  • Oh wow, nevermind. This is so confusing!

    I thought it would be a good idea to have a single variable "0,0,0,0..." and then use TokenAt to modify/retrieve a single digit, but I really don't think this works, does it?

    I mean, I have this variable, then I had to create another variable and then an array only to change anything in the first variable.

    I decided to give this up and use a single "levelCleared" array that has width=12. Then I can just save this array directly to WebStorage and if I add it all together like ArcadEd said I'll have my number of levels cleared.

    Edit: I found a really easy solution to check if the player has cleared all the levels; instead of checking every array slot then adding it all together, I can just check the whole array for "0" and if it has no 0's, the player receives the achievment.

  • Ah, I think I finally understand how TokenAt works. I thought I would be able to change a value in a variable directly using it but it seems that's not the case, that's why you guys were telling me to use arrays.

    Well, I think I've got it figured out now.. thanks!

  • Thanks for the replies!

    I don't get it, why do you have an array for it if you can just use the TokenAt directly? You could use a for to check which levels have been cleared without a problem, I think.

    In my case I need to check if every level has already been cleared, so the player can be awarded an achievment..

    In any case, let's say I used an array to sort the variable. Still, how do I check that every item in the array is "1"?

    edit: I found a way to do it that's really simple, just not very pretty. I can manually compare the variable to "1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1", and if it is, the player is awarded the achievment.

    That bad part is that if I ever add more level, I'll have to change this.

  • I'm trying to use TokenAt/TokenCount to check if the player has cleared all my levels, instead of using a variable for each level.

    The thing is, I have a variable called "levelCleared" that's set to "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", where each 0 represents a level. When the player clears the level, it changes to it to 1.

    I thought about using a "For 0 to Tokencount(levelCleared,",")-1" like I saw here to check for it, but then how can I check if EVERY number equals to 1?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question.
