andreyin's Forum Posts

  • You can just use System -> Compare two values to get the current layout.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • You must use the behavior "persist" on objects so they'll stay in the same place when you switch layouts.

    Edit- Oops, read it wrong. You actually want layout A to be reseted? That's weird, it should be when you start it again.

  • IJCT

    It's in the latest beta.

    Edit - Huh, sorry. I just downloaded the latest beta and can't find it there either. Weird.

  • Quick question, does it only break your games when they're online, or does it not even work on the preview?

    I have Chrome 32.0.1700.76 and haven't experienced any issues.. didn't even notice it updated or anything.

  • Try another browser, your Chrome must have updated by itself (it loves doing this). You should also try another computer.

    What's your video card? Did you update it recently?

  • Try changing "pixel rounding" to on.

  • Ashley

    I see now! Man, this is such a mess.. so I need "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone", right? Downloading it right now to try it out, thanks!

  • Sorry to bump this old thread, but I can't get it to work for some reason. I have the same problem as

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I've tried multiple versions of VS too (because I downloaded the wrong ones TWICE) before finally finding this thread and installing VS 2012 Express for Win8.

    I'm currently using Win8 x64, exported the game using the Windows Phone 8 option.

    Edit: Sorry, didn't even see this was on the bugs forum. Just bumped it because it was the only thread where someone was having the same problem as me!

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  • I swear, I made this just the other day when I was teaching C2 and I went to all this trouble too (using all these behaviours and testing which would be best), but now I simply can't remember how I did it.. Now that you mention it, I remember trying to use the bullet behaviour and having the same problem.

    Wonder if the collision in the custom movement is really broken or something though.

  • Yeah, I tried doing the same by using the custom movement behavior, but couldn't get it to work either. Ended up using the bullet behavior, as newt suggested.

  • Global layers would be nice, but what I really wanted was a way to have the same WebGL effects on all layouts without having to go adding/configuring them one by one..

  • Click your name on the top of the site, and go to "My purchases", there should be a button there written "Get assets".

  • DuckfaceNinja

    I haven't used Spriter yet, but are these files on the "Files" folder on your C2 project? If they are, I'm pretty sure you can update them by saving by clicking "Save as a Project", closing C2, updating the files on your folder, and reloading it.

  • You have to pick which object you're referencing to.

    You can do this by creating an event "System -> Pick", or "Object -> Pick", there are a lot of options on there (such as pick nearest to something, pick nth instance, pick by UID, etc).

  • This is not a bug, the bug is letting groups on different event sheets have the same name.

    I'm not sure what's your code like, but you can easily get around this by having your mechanics into one event sheet, then referencing it on another event sheet that is linked to a layout. This way your group is on every layout where it is referenced.

    If you're copy/pasting a group with the EXACT SAME CODE, do not do this. This is really bad in programming, since you're just doubling the size of your code for no reason.