I have so much questions
I will publish my first game use with COCOON platform so I need more info.
1.) This template includes Achievements? (Android and IOS)
2.) I will use all cocoons plugins for IAP, Ads, Google play and Apple Game Center. Do I need to buy cranberrygame Cordova plugins?
(I will buy ; IAP and Ads plugins from Toby.R for Cocoon => Monetisation)
3.) Do you planning release new Templates? I will buy this soon => Game Templates - Bundle [15 Items]
4.) I didn't see, This bundle include Cloud save tutorial ? (Googleplay and Game Center)
Thx for answers : )
thank you for your interests in my template. I'm glad to answer your questions. Please see below.
1) Yes it does include Achievements for Android and iOS. You just need to enter your achievement ID's at the "es_leaderboard". If you need further help on this, I can update the docs.
2) The leaderboard template uses the "Cordova Dialog" & "Cordova Analytics" plugin by cranberrygame. However those aren't mandatory for the leaderboard.
If you do not want to buy the Cordova Plugin package I can make an update without using those plugins. Just let me know then.
3) Yes. I'm currently working on C3 migration for my templates. Also some new are in work. If you need anything specific, let me know.
4)I have no template / tutorial for cloud saving with Google Play Games / Game Center. Only firebase. However this template isn't optimized for mobile (doesn't work with cocoons canvas+, webview however should work well).
Let me know if you have any further questions.
P.S. Good choice for Toby's plugins