AMPO's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hello

    I put a link to a simple example which I run a maximum of 24 fps not understand why you can not always *** at 60fps, not failing. Use Firefox 15. Please tell me what I can do.


    In Microsoft Word is the. Rar

  • Hello thank you very much for your answers.

    My performance problem is not due to my PC (powerful enough, I play Battlefield 3 smoothly, Batman AC ...) but for some reason I feel my square :) lightly not walk, sometimes I feel certain pauses and delays I do not understand why?

    About the HD as if I'd do it in HD because I think of a PC game with the best graphics possible.

    Another problem I've discovered is that my character does not jump with the same force Firefox to display if I use that if I use Opera ... ie physics behave different. Is this normal?


  • In addition:

    I'm having problems when I visualize my project in web browsers. My character jumps with more force than Firefox Opera. Causing it to alcanse one platform and the other does not reach the platform and fall. Ie physics behave differently someone can help me on this?

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  • Excuse me for my English.


    I'm having problems when I visualize my project in web browsers. My character jumps more strongly at Opera in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Causing it to alcanse one platform and the other does not reach the platform and fall. Ie physics behave differently someone can help me on this?


  • Hello, please excuse my English. My questions are:

    How powerful can be Construct 2? Supports high definition? Visually that would cap? I mean games like Rayman Origin or Limbo are possible with this engine?

    I can make games to run on PC as a native Windows apllicacion?

    Because in my game prototype which only use simple objects such as squares and rectangles am certain slowness?


  • 5 posts