amishstripclub's Forum Posts

  • ryackov Nuclear reactor sim?! Awesome. Post a .capx when you're near completion if you don't mind. I would love to see how you did your variable algorithms.

  • How did you design the destructible terrain like that?

  • I'd try a Is Idle (Boolean) -> set animation to "idle"

    or maybe try a is not Charging(Boolean) - > set animation to "idle "

  • If you are trying to scroll turn off unbound scrolling and add something like:

    every tick ; Go = 1 : Scroll to position x:lerp(scrollx, ball.x, 0.09) y:lerp(scrolly, ball.y, 0.09)

  • can you clarify a bit? I'm thinking you want the camera to scroll to the ball but I don't see anything on the event sheet to indicate that.

  • You can definitely have a 'platformer' dude in a physics level. However, you need to define whether that guy will have the platform behavior or the physics behavior. Both will not work well together. I would recommend using the physics "apply _____" actions on your platformer dude and turn off allow rotate to create a physics-based platform object. Here's a very simple .capx example:

  • Yeah! Open both projects at once and just start copy/pasting. Make sure to move the objects related to your events first.

  • Second Zeno's advice. With physics, you pretty much need to utilize it alone. Instead of platform functions you can use apply force or torque or impulse binded to a key. Gravity is odd. It is set globablly through any physics object. For example, you could "On start of layout" -> Set Gravity on (physics) object to 2. That would change all physics objects to 2 gravity.

  • Working on a game where the player controls five different characters at once. It is intended to follow the standard holy trinity of tank/healer/dps. I need some tips on how to create a threat system. Since I will only have a maximum of 5 characters attacking at one time, should enemy classes have 5 variables that track the total damage of each character and switch targets to one if it exceeds the current target's damage by ~10%? Or is there a 'cleaner' way of programming this that wouldn't require 5 individual instance variables on every enemy instance?

  • Kraudi That is polishing up very nicely!

  • As in to show that it is taking damage? Add a subevent to your lightning overlap enemy event. In the subevent, Enemy Set Amimation to "Damage". Then, add one more event that is Enemy On "Damage" Animation End, Set Enemy Animation to "Default". Of course, fill in Damage or Default for whatever your animation names are.

  • No, I can't. My best guess is a plug-in issue since its occurring on two significantly different systems of mine and no one else seems to be having the issue. I've gotten into the habit of doing a saving constantly just in case.

  • ok so you need to create an enemy sprite and give it an instance variable to represent its health. Then create a on touch, spawn lightning sprite at touch.x, touch.y. Give the lightning an animation, and have an event that destroys it at animation end. Add another event -> if lightning overlaps enemy, subtract x amount from You'll want that event to have a condition that triggers once while true. Last, you'll need a 'death' event. So, compare enemy instance variable health <= 0, destroy enemy. Add an event to spawn the enemies, and another to handle their motion and you should have a playable alpha.

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    0 - 50 Plays

    This game is the first thing I made with C2 a few months back. Its terribly difficult and unentertaining. Sorry to Ashley for representing your product so poorly.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to any event sheet

    2. Hold shift+alt

    3. brace for crash

    Observed result:

    On frequent but not all occasions, C2 will crash after alt+shift are pressed. Occurs on both my work and home computers.

    Expected result:

    Not a crash

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    I use firefox at one computer and chrome on another

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 version:

    Started with r132 and now r139