AM_Games's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    Made a random word generator - uses the MIT approved "10000" words list, with some of the more inappropriate and useless (a, aa, mu, etc) ones removed (no swearing etc in it). Loads the list into an array then picks 5 at random when you hit generate. I had need of this for work so use it however you please.

    Packaged as a single 60mb portable exe.!Atod77T8ZxdMo0p81nUGKP2Lplzw



  • Hi All,

    Since many of us are still stuck in lockdown I've made some of my tutorial videos available for free. Feel free to send them to your students or whatever you like, this is how I've been delivering for the past couple of months.

    These are aimed at Btec Level 3 Computing at college level (Unit 22 - Games Development) but should be fine for other games based units or just your own use.

    The format is me talking for a sec then into a split screen share view using C2 or Piskel for everything.

    They're not monetised or anything so i'm not expecting likes and subscribes, just use them if you need them or pass along to your students.

    Tutorials 2 - 6 focus on making a sidescroller/platformer.

    Tutorials 7 - 8 are longer (an hour between them) and make a top down space shooter.

    I'll upload more as/when students ask me "how the hell do i do..."



  • dop2000

    That's really helpful, thanks! Most of our addons are weird 3rd party Effects stuff that's been accumulated over the years like an old glowhack and pixelate effect, nothing that couldn't be handled through the art side but obviously current projects have dependencies with them.

  • It shouldn't be, the C2 project importer is pretty well tested by now. You should be able to import and preview a C2 project with the free edition to see how it works. You should also switch the project to the C3 runtime if you can. If anything goes wrong let me know, I'd be happy to take a look and see if anything is preventing a successful import.

    Brilliant,thanks Ashley that's really helpful of you :)

  • Hi guys,

    Since C2 is on it's way to the old folks home next year, just having a thought about migrating.

    We've got 2x current projects on the go, one of them is using about 1700 events throughout with approx 600 assets, the other is a bit smaller at 1400 events and 340 assets.

    Having not used C3 before, is this going to be an issue to import? There's also some 3rd party plugins involved that are no longer maintained, can we use the existing versions of these with C3 projects once imported?



  • Hi all,

    Currently putting together a 'tv launcher' demo file and struggling with the following:

    • Open specific android app when an icon is selected.

    I'm led to believe it can be done with NW.js using "run file" action however this requires a static path and only seems to work on windows?



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  • Just wanted to bump this topic and see if anyone has any ideas.


  • Hi folks,

    Currently delivering a HND module using a PHPMyadmin / SQL database back end and we're going to be making a Front End app in construct 2 to control the database.

    Found these 2 tutorials on the knowledge base and just want to make sure I'm on the right track with this before I fire it at the students.

    The app I'm getting my students to make will be able to access data in the database, edit & overwrite existing records and display what's already there.

    My question is: Is there already a straightforward plugin to do this, or does it all need to be done from scratch?



  • Oh, that's a shame!

    Saw this myself and thought "That sounds great, i'll do that one day!".

    Should have tried C3 while I had the chance lol!

  • I've always got around this by setting a layout as the loader layout and having an animation on that.

    Used to work when compiling with Ludei CocoonJS but I know they've made a lot of changes to that in the 2 years since i've exported for mobile so no idea if this still works.

  • dop2000

    That's absolutely genuis! Much appreciated pal, never even occurred to me to do it this way.

    Tested and working fine so you've gone and saved me a huge headache.

  • Got an interesting one today folks.

    So to set an objects location to the mouse position, obviously you do it using "setPosition - Mouse.X, Mouse.Y".

    This works fine.

    Now, when the layer that the object is on is scaled, this doesn't work. it offsets the object from the mouse position, thus ruining the movement.

    In the image - The actual Mouse Position is shown as the Red Dot.

    Any solutions or clever math to fix this?



  • Something i'm currently working on, halfway between Alien Breed on the Amiga, Splatterhouse and Hotline Miami.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Hi mate,

    Got as far as the cave bit (after note #5).

    Spent 5 mins jumping around and repeatedly falling off platforms and gave up. Difficulty level of those jumps is a little much for me!

    As for the animations etc, all works really nicely and runs smooth.

    Jumping is a little un-intuitive at first but got used to it after a while. Theres a slight delay between pressing jump and actually jumping, probably due to your events that control the "hold to jump" action.

    Had a second go using the "rewind time" thing. Couldn't really figure that out either. Pressed Y, pressed U. Didn't get it.

    Looks really nice and has a lot of potential, but basically couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing or how to use the core mechanic!

    Filled out the google form for you as well :)


  • I haven't cooked a build for Ouya in a while but this guide was very helpful last time I did: ... -the-ouya/

    Unfortunately, the UI for Cocoon has somewhat changed but the options should still be the same.

    Performance was fine when using small sprites, it lagged a lot when using larger ones or lots of sprites with transparency.

    The ouya doesn't handle lots of checks every tick very well either, but works perfectly fine when you do checks on a 0.1 second timer (eg, movement or lots of bullets).