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  • I used CustomMovement to create this effect.

    I made object variables for the player target X and Y. When the mouse is clicked I set target XY to the mouse XY.

    Then I just compare the players XY against his target XY and if they differ I turn the player sprite towards the target XY and give him some acceleration.

    When players is near the target XY I stop the movement.

    Example capx here

    I guess you can use bullet behaviour also the same way.

    For your example TheLure I would suggest adding one more action to your Mouse Click event "Set CustomMovement Overall Speed to 0"

    This prevents the player sprite from circling the target when a second click is performed before the previous move has been completed.

    Though I did find it quite fun to try and get the player to stop moving with more clicks before I implemented the speed cancel. Your example helped me a lot :)

  • Alexixiv

    I think this thread is about swapping objects in the event sheet inside C2, and not during runtime.

    Also, you've already posted this question in the "How do I" section. Someone will help you if they have the time, there's no need to double-post.

    Yes you are right, I found this post after I had created my topic and just wanted to maximize visibility. I was confused about the purpose of this topic, sorry for the spam, and thank you for pointing that out :)

  • Ok so I am using a hybrid or the two concepts. I have the cards as one object with each card as a different animation. Then I have all the transformations as one object with each form as a different animation.

    -On Left Click of card-X:

    A. set array1,1 to animationName

    B. sprite start animation array1,1 "&Idle"

    Each animation starts with frames 1-4 to show the transformation then loops back to frame 5 from that point on.

    What I am hoping to do is to use the value pushed to array1,1 to track stats for each of the individual transformations. But I haven't gotten that far yet. Just wanted to confirm that I found a solution, and hopefully that it will function with the rest of the design down the road.

  • You are right, I have more peace of mind now that I have bought the license.

    I went to a family system; however, I ran into a problem it seems many others have where you cannot "create" a specific object from a family or create an object using its name.

    Currently the only method I have working is where I can put all the "transformations" into one object and just reference the animation name to make it happen. However I still have some problems with that method. I will post a capx file soon once I get it all cleaned up. Noobishly messy, was trying a lot of diff things.

  • This may not be the best way to go about doing this, if someone has a better way to achieve this function please share :)

    so right now, it is seeming like the easiest way to do this is to do this

    1. Card Clicked

    2. Send Card animationName to array1,1

    3. Set sprite animation to Array.At(1,1)&"Idle"

    which would mean I would store all the different forms in one object... which means I could put make all the cards the same object also and try to set a random animation between certain values or something for the cards, so the same object drops for the player but it is a random animation... not sure if that random part is possible in C2 or not...

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  • How do i put the name of an object (in a family) that is clicked, into an array.

    Intention is to change the object based on another corresponding object being clicked

    1. Player clicks object "001"

    2. Destroy object skin"&array1,1"

    3. Array 1,1 set to objectName "001"

    4. Create object skin"&array1,1"

  • ok so far I have the create and destroy system without the family, but it will end up a new event for each time I want to destroy and revert back, I am think I will just have to spend the $80, going to drive me crazy knowing there is a more efficient way to do it and not have access to it.

  • I think this can be done using families, but I am still on the free version so I cannot verify. I need this mechanic for my game as well.

    I need to accompish:

    When X object is clicked destroy Y object and Create Z object specified by X, Z Object now performs events that Y object previously did.

  • Dang, I have the free edition... forgot you couldnt do families uless you upgrade... anyone else have a workaround?

  • Hmm, I might give that a try. Stay tuned.

    Anyone else have suggestions?

  • Here is what I want to accomplish:

    When X object is clicked destroy Y object and Create Z object specified by X, Z Object now performs events that Y object previously did.

    I know I probably need to use the family system, but still not quite sure how to tie in the whole create and destroy process...

    Basically, I am trying to make a large number of cards and monsters, when a card is clicked the player turns into the corresponding monster, animations and all.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated (and credited). I looked through a lot of threads but wasn't quite sure what exactly this procedure would be called.