You can also tap enter a couple of times to go back an indent level.
but what if they're both 100?
I like playing board games too (not old crappy games like monopoly and risk lol).
Give the nest a private variable, if variable = 0, then create an enemy from it and add 1 to variable.
There is no resource tab anymore, just go to the project tab in the bottom right.
In the list of folders you'll notice a sound and music folder. Right click on them, then add sounds. (i've never used this feature before though, so don't know if it works.)
My example did basically that, except I didn't use folders and I had a different naming convention. I had all the animation's names as a number so that it would be simple to just have it correspond to a loop index.
You could continue to use named, but it may be quicker in events to use a numbered naming convention. I'll alter your example to show this. ...
This example changes it to the right gang member using the global variable, and all of his frames for each of his animations are replaced from the appropriate folder.
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So I think is the best one I've found, its absolutely perfect for me, its already helping me so much. Has a fantastic UI, and all the features I need.
Remember that each instance of that sprite will get any new frames you load.
Anyway, this is the solution to the question I think you were asking.
Oh I forgot to do different gang types, but it should give you an idea? I only did 2 angles and 2 animations. Couldn't be bothered doing more, it shows a method for how to do it all though.
Maybe todoist might be good?
Soudns like handy advice lucid.
[quote:10u57h45]and then BLAM right there in midthought, I see my browser opened up
LOL, yes I know that feeling. Sometimes I open the browser and forget what I was suppose to be doing which only further makes things worse.
I recommend making it so you can't see the black borders around the map.
You were a little ambiguous on some details, in particular how many sprites your using.
I'm assuming, you have 1 sprite which is used for each member in the gang and each member uses a different animation set? I'm also assuming you wanted to use this same sprite for all 26 gangs, but for each gang you want to replace all the frames with frames for their gang?
Found more family strangeness.
Normal family window:
<img src="">
Edit families window, it's missing a lot of the families?
<img src="">
Is it just a driver problem, maybe nvidia will release an update?