AkiraBoy's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • It's near what i want, I just needed to not have to wait for the sended sprite to be destroyed to send the next one, but it's ok, i did it ! Thanks !

  • Can you give a capx? i will try something.

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  • Can you give an exemple? (capx)

  • [
  • You just need to add :

    On "Touch" :


    System create object(Player) on layer 0 at (touch.X,touch.Y)

    And keep :

    On "Is in touch": Player set player position

    I think that is what you want, but i'm not sure, tell me

  • Can you give us a capx ? it would help !

  • Ok, i'm too noob, i cant put a link...

    you can enter the following instead of the dots :


  • Hi everyone !

    Here is my problem : I have a lot of instance of an object, i would like to send them to a point quikly one after one.

    It seems obviously easy, but where i get trouble is that i want to delete them once the instance arrived to destination.

    And i need aslo to:

    • Know when every object as been destroyed
    • Set the time between each point to be send (like, every 0.2 sec or 1 sec)

    I tried a lot before coming here, but didn't succed, so someone could help me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    There is an exemple of what i'm trying to :

    drive.google.com/file/d/0B8-TGy ... sp=sharing

    In this case, if you could aslo explain me why (th f**k) i can't pick one instance and not every one of them with the condition "Pick nth instance"

    Thanks you very much !

  • Thank you guys ! Both of you! It worked well, but finally what i was trying to do was an awful idea

    I will try something else.

    But thanks.

  • Hi everyone !

    First topic for me!

    I've been looking for few hours now about the following problem, but didn't find anything about it:

    I have an object with some instance of it in my scene. I would like, for each instance, to check the distance between the picked instance (current "loopindex") and the nearest one.

    Unfortunatly, when i use the "Pick nearest" condition, it considers the closest instance as the object himself (-_-') . Which is logic in a way, but absolutely not what I want !

    How can i resolve my problem?

    Thanks guys !

  • 10 posts