Hi there,
I stucked with my game prototype...
I have a few the same objects (just cloned byt pressing "ctrl" + drag 'n' drop). I want to make something like "drag and drop' with these object but to the specific place/target object. For example - I drag one of these objects and move (while left button of mouse is down) to the target object/area and it should automatically match up to target (by X.Y of target). So i have condition if 'mouse left button is down, and its overlapping target place > set object position to target position. But if i make that, every objects of the layout will came to the target . So i want to make, that only this object, which is already dragged under the mouse/touch will stick/match up to the target place..
How to make that? How to use uid for it - check uid of object when its choosen and dragged, and verfiy while the mouse button is released?