AJTilley's Forum Posts

  • Hello All,

    I have just finished a proof of concept demo for a game I am building called Fluxation. It is a space based tower defence game with a random event selector and text adventure mechanic.

    <img src="http://www.tilleydesign.co.uk/fluxation/fluxlogopic.png" border="0">

    The game is currently built with a width of 1024x800 so i cant put it on the arcade just yet. But you can play test the game here:


    I haven't included instructions in the game but its fairly easy to get to grips with. It all mouse controlled with left clicks. When the game starts there will be boxes at the bottom of the page you spend research points (shown as a resource in the planet) on the boxes to buy the turret or special ability. If the button is green it means you have sufficient coins to buy it (coins shown in the planet) then if you have some energy you can buy a turret. If you dont have enough energy for the turret it wont appear.

    Finally all but one of the turrets can be moved by clicking on and holding down the mouse to move them around. Also there is a crosshair in the middile of the screen which you can use to aim if there are no ships on screen that the turrets auto target. Some turrets auto target enemies and some dont.

    Simply put defend the planet from invaders. At present i only have about 4 or 5 events the game randomly selects, but if you can get a score of over 10,000 then you will get to face off against the 'boss' which is practically impossible to defeat.

    I intend to add a lot more to this game including new artwork, more resources, music and a lot more in game options but wanted to get some feedback on the concept.

    This demo starts you off with more energy, coins and research points than you would normally so you can test out more of the turrets in a game.

    Hope you like.

  • Love these, and perfectly timed I am building a little fun shootem up side project using ascii art and wanted something just like this for one of the game dynamics. :) Ill have to add you into the credits heh :)

  • ok thanks ill do that :)

  • Hi,

    I have been building a game using placeholder graphics, and i want to start swapping the placeholder sprites with the actual ones. Is there a simple way to change the sprite without having to go in and change every event to do with the spirte manually to reference the new one?

  • I would say it depends entirely on who you are marketing you game towards.

    Triple A titles need top level graphics, its simply a must have, most of the younger generation only respond to the latest perfect visuals and effects. And that is why games that simply remake the same game over and over again with new graphics make so much money for the big studio houses.

    In the Triple A title world graphics are a must have, and gameplay sadly is second to that.

    Indie titles however tend to need amazing gameplay because its typical that indie developers dont have the funds to create amazing looking games, and graphics can be one of the most expensive things and therefore most likely to have a budget that doesnt quite match their requirements. Also indie gamers tend to be more forgiving of graphics looking for interesting games that will hold their interest.

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  • The game idea sounds quite interesting, but I agree with Lucid, the best thing to do is start small, dont jump straight into this. Before I began my current game project I went through nearly every tutorial on this website to get a good feel for construct 2. Then after doing that I made some simple games of my own that followed the same rules as the tutorials and while doing that I made notes on which of the things I was learning would be needed to make my current project work.

    Then I started work and as Lucid suggests my best bet when unsure was searching the how to forums and if that failed asking a question.

    On a side note from your description, a simple way for the tetris pieces would have a bullet behaviour making them fall downwards (or gravity), and keyboard movement to control them moving left and right in intervals. Then having standard platformer behaviour for the person and there are some good ideas in the how to forum for wall jumping and other cool platformer movements when you are ready.

    You could easily set it so that you control the blocks with one hand and the player character with another. But dont run before you can walk, youll learn all of the above int he tutorials and manuals :)

  • Coincidentally i have been working on a tower defence game myself, hopefully I will be adding a proof of concept alpha version of my game this weekend.

    I wanted to say pretty much ditto to Digi... The art and characters are cute and make the game more fun. will look forward to updates as the game progresses.

  • Okies cool, good to know. Will look forward to it. Its good to know there is a better offline future for html5 games.

  • Ah yes I am sorry you are right, I had forgotten that part and was focusing entirely on the location management of the project... So indiegogo is probably the way scirra would have to go forward as mentioned by cow_trix...

  • Kickstarter is only open to US residents. I don't believe ol' British Scirra will be able to claim funds from a Kickstarter project. Try Indiegogo if you really want to.

    Sorry but kickstarter is a worldwide website, developers can run projects from anywhere in the world. It is natural that the majority come from america but there are many funding projects on their from the uk, china and europe among others.

    The recent FTLGame success shows that not only are non US projects possible but they can be successful.

    That being said though I wouldnt be offended by scirra asking for donations for the project but i do agree that in this stage of development it wouldnt make sense. Most kickstarter projects are for items that are not released yet or are not in a released state.

    My personal recommendation would be to change your pricing policy of the business license from $365 for the programme to $365 per game that exxceeds the revenue level. And then add a 4th license level for corporate or something which would cost thousands perhaps but would cover every game a studio might make in the future.

    This way every time a developer makes a game that exceeds the $5,000 in profit scirra would get another business license purchased. And bigger companies that use scirra would be paying the larger cost of the corporate license to license any game they make etc.

    My 2 cents: it also is inline with similar programs which have a lot less features, a lot less support and are nowhere near as user friendly.

  • Was just recently pointed to this forum by Ashley, have to say really loving to hear about this. Cant believe in all my forum searching for exe wrappers I missed this topic.

    I am curious has anyone tried to actually make the game a full exe offline version yet with any success? rather than one loading from the internet. Or is everyone waiting for the devs to include it within C2.

    As a license holder I personally would say license only makes the most sense (but i could be biased), the cost of a license is quite low just $79, most adults should be able to save that given enough time during development of the game or use cloud funding (like kickstarter) to raise the money for the cost to utilise it if their project is that good that using an exe wrapper is needed but they really cant afford it.

    Also including it in license only will ensure more developers purchase construct2 which will help development as they will have more funding. Which is what i and i imagine all license holders want the most.

    Good luck with it i hope to see more soon. I am hoping my game that I am working on will be successful enough so i can support you guys with a full Business Edition license soon and an offline exe wrapper would really make it easier to be successful heh.

  • I am very happy with the html5 aspect of the software, i am hoping to create two versions of the game a free online only version and then a paid offline version with a few extra features. My main problem though is getting the html5 version in an easy to use html5 version that i can sell digitally online.

  • excellent, i didnt think there was a limit but i was concerned it might affect gameplay or framerate or something if i had to many global variables doing things in the background of the game.

  • I hope you arent wrong, stand alone construct 2 games would make me the happiest man in the world.. lol or close to it.

    I agree that for kickstarter a seperate copy will be needed, I am just trying to determine th ebest way of doing that. Trutherly kickstarter is a way of yet for me but I wanted to get an idea of how i am proceeding early on in development :)

  • Hi all, I am currently building a game or two in construct 2 and things are going well but i want to release one of these games to as many people as possible, as C2 doesnt have the capability yet to create exe files i was thinking of using Construct Classic as well.

    What i was wondering is how easy (or hard) is it to convert a game from C2 to classic? I am using the paid version of C2 in case that matters...

    Any help/info would be great.