Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • Also i think that Developers should switch to Assembler from C++, so Construct can be more optimized.

    are you being sarcastic or serious I cant tell....

  • <img src="">

    Is this easier? It certainly takes fewer events and you don't need a function or timeline object.

    That actually would not work unless you pressed the button right at the start of the layout. you would have to reset time to 0 in the on space pressed event to make it work. but other than that it seems like the bets solution.....

  • I think the never condition is a Must have feature for construct to be a full 1.0 release without it things might happen that should not. I dont want dacing Kolas showing up in my games, A never condition would solve that problem with one simple event

    -> Never: Let Kolas dance.

    Problem solved. I will never have to worry about dancing Kolas in my layouts again what a relief this should be implemented immediately.

  • You shouldnt need the trigger once for those sub events. also you could put them in with the comparison. the On key pressed acts as a trigger once for all the sub events.

  • wow these are all really really complicated for something really simple....

    -> on space pressed: switchVar = switchVar * -1; //Starting Value of switch var = -1
    -->If SwitchVar == 1: sprite.x += 64 //adds 64 to the current X value
    -->if Switchvar == -1 : sprite.x -= 64 // subtracts 64 from the current X value[/code:1s1c60b8]
  • the problem with windows controls is they are always rendered on top of things not matter what layer they are on.

  • its the SMOKE!!

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    I love this song its so hilarious. Like burning salad in my throat.

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  • I think the animation speed is ok but I think the sprite itself needs to move faster. Its hard to tell from the video. It also looks like some frames are missing or something cause his animation looks strange I cant quite place it...

    And on Azu's note on color changing you could probably use his technique only abstracted to use values stored in an outside file and then call a function and load the values based on parameters passed when you call the function. Instead of writing an event for each color change.

  • The walking looks sticky. I think he needs to move faster....

  • Did you check out the ghost shooter tutorial it will explain a lot of things.

    but to do what you want go into the Globalvariables manager and add a new GV called whatever you want.

    then make a new event that will trigger when the QB throws the ball. so a button press or something will do (us the mouse and Keyboard object to register button presses.)

    now in that event go to System>Set global var to Random(99)+1 (this will return a number between 1 and 100)

    now add the function object and create a new function called what ever you want. and in sub events under that function us the system compare global variable to what ever percent you want and then in that action have the go to layout system command.

    Now go back up to your trigger and add a call function UNDER the set random num.

    **Fake edit**

    You could also pass the function the randome(99)+1 and check function.param(1) in the compare condition.

  • You might have two instances of the xAudio2 object. Make sure there is only one and it is marked global.

  • You dont use python to make games you use events. Look at the tutorials. Python is only meant to augment the event system. No need for python to work construct is fine without it.

  • Ive been told by everyone I have to go see it.... I should get on that....

  • There are engines that better support 3d and should be used for 3d games. I think there is a use for a 3d object loader. and if you run into vram load images from external files to save on the Vram.

  • Construct does use python but its broken right now and no you dont need to know how to script. to use construct.

    Eventing is the way to do things in construct. Python is the only thing to really to script in and as I said its broken. C++ is what you use to make custom behaviors and such. There are a few plugin devs(myself included) working on a google code project for SVN hosting so if you don start using the SDK for C++ let us know and you can get on the SVN so you have some version control.

    Check out the event editor and read through the wiki it should show you events and things like that.

    The real life picture thread had some things going on with it and people posting other people's pictures. As long as you post your own pic your fine.