Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • I was wondering if it was possible to get the source to the .ini object. Thanks

  • I dont really card its up to you guys

  • You can make an object bank by having a separate layout and keep all the objects you will create in the runtime in that layout.

  • Cool we got some people in it now but we need more >:D

  • Man goes to doctor. Says he is sad. Doctor says "thats easy go see the great clown poliocchie, he will make you feel better."

    Man breaks down crying.

    Doctor Asks whats wrong?

    man says "but doctor I am the great poliocchie"

  • I made a face book group for construct you can join if you want to if not I dont care I was just bored so.... here is the link: ... 102&ref=mf

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  • I wouldnt mind it so much if I didnt have to buy the game too. Its like putting a bowling alley in your basement and then paying to play there. Or buying an arcade machine and then paying to play it. Why should I have to pay you to let me play a game I bought?

  • I hate wow not only because you have to pay to play it but you also have to pay to buy the games. So they are telling me that if I want to play a game i paid 50 dollars for I have to give them 15 bucks a month. Not to mention I have other personal reasons for hating it. First of which (and I am not kidding) My girlfriend left me for a guy she meant on Wow. We had been dating over a year and left me for a guy across the country. This was like a kick in the balls. Second I have lost other friends to it they start playing and just never stop. Third it almost got me fired from a job because A customer caught my manage playing on his laptop at work and he tried to say I was playing it even though I was off that day.

    So yeah **** WoW. I hope every goddamn server blows up in a fiery fire of hellish destruction to the point that blizzard would go bankrupt trying to rebuild the world(of warcraft)

  • I hope all the wow servers blow up and the game never returns after that.

    I hate that game more than anything in the world. It should just go ******* die and be forgotten.

  • Should probably mark that link NSFW

  • where is the Any key?

  • If your writing to the same group and the same item it will always only save one group and one Item. You need to use and expression in place of the group name and leave the Item the same. I suggest using object.uid for the group name. and name the items something intelligible. if you want to save PVs you would do better using a hastable to hold the variables you want to save.

  • All events are run every tick if the conditions are meant then the actions are done. For each is a condition and it has no other qualifiers so it will always run. If you add another condition to that then once Both of the conditions are meant it will .

  • Its hard to say with no cap but it you just have a for each with no other condition it will run every tick. you need to put a trigger once in there.

  • hash tables are ok but even then you nee to use an editor to edit the values. With an .ini file you can simply type it up in the correct format which IMO is much easier than using a special hash table editor Especially when using it for things like story I would rather use note pad and have to format it correctly than program my own editor.

    uber lou because when doing large stories its easier to use an out side file and edit that than a bunch of internal text files.