Adisma's Forum Posts

  • Hello everyone,

    what would you think of a random card game ? Something like a rogue-like card game..

    What I have in mind is a game based on Triple Triad rules (card game from FF8) but with the game board generated randomly as well as the cards.

    Of course, it would be a controlled random. The board would be 5 x 4 spots, some of them inaccessible (like a crossword grid, but with few black cases)

    For the cards, the 4 values (top, bottom, left and right) could be something like the sum of 2 dices (so from 2 to 12).. Why the sum ? To have a nice average of stats (mainly between 5 and 9, rarely extreme : 2,3 and 11,12...)

    Each game would then be different from the previous one, and the player has to adapt his way of playing based on his hand..

    Each victory gives the winner a reward, this one wouldn't impact the further games...

    Any remarks ?


  • Another way would be to separate the 5 instances in 5 objects.. handled in a family... but it's ugly, no ?

  • Hey guys,

    I'm trying to synchronise many instances of the same object.

    In my case, each player has 5 controllable object's instances.

    Before the connection to the signalling server, I sync my object :

    Then I link it to each peer according the player :

    Finally, I recreate each instances host side (as in the tutorial) :

    Host side : no problem, I have my 10 instances, each with the correct peerid.

    Peer side : problem ? only 1 instance for each player (then 2 instances) are created at connexion..

    See yourself :

    Host :

    Peer :

    Any idea of the issue ???

    Thanks a lot !!!

  • Or another way to handle private message in chat tutorial ?

  • Hi guys

    I'm currently following the tutorial : "Multiplayer tutorial 2: chat room"

    At the end, a challenge would be :

    [quote:2iwot20h]If you feel like a challenge, try coming up with a way to private message individual peers in the chat room. In IRC this is done with a special chat message command starting with a slash, such as: /pm SomeUser hello!

    In this case the host would need to relay the private message as well, but by Send message instead of Broadcast message so it is only received by the intended recipient. You wouldn't want to broadcast private messages to everyone!

    But if we use /pm user, host will need to find the peer ID linked to that alias in order to use the Send Message action, right ?

    How can we do this ?

  • Doing something a different way from what you are used to doesn't make it harder..

    Learning new ways to do things are an essential part of programming..

    Instead of calling it "asking for the easy way", some people would call it "asking for the lazy way"..

    (Not that I'm that kind of a person, offcourse)

    I think this plugin might suit you:

    Plugin json

    It should

    I will try it.

    Moreover, I'll try the Hash Table plugin from rex that might help too..

    I'll try both and use the best for my use (e.g. using JSON coming from AJAX request).

    Thanks all of you..

  • Hi all,

    I'd like to use the JSON format as easily as in programming code.

    Is that possible in C2 to use JSON as easily ? without using dictionnaries or arrays ?

    For example, a JSON variable like :

    myVar = {"pseudo" : "Adisma", "level" : 8}

    And use it as :



    I didn't find any plugin allowing this..

    Thanks in advance

  • Many thanks for the link ! It seems to match perfectly what I want to do

  • Hello,

    i'm currently making some tests to develop a multiplayer turn-based game (1 vs 1). Thus, there will be one host and one peer by room.

    Actions permitted to host and peer during their respective turn are the same.

    Then, to avoid duplicating code I wanted to develop an event sheet (like GAME_LOGIC) and include it only under conditions like this :

    But it doesn't seem to work : both players can play at the same time.

    If I duplicate the code from this sub-event-sheet in the if and in the "else" (ES_GameDetail contains the cancelled events): no problem, each player can only play during its turn.

    Any idea ?


  • Hum ok

    thanks for the reply

  • Hi

    with the plugin Multiplayer, how can I avoid people to connect more than once (with 2 browsers) ?

    It's to avoid cheating


  • Thanks a lot for this answer.

    The PHP server is clearly not the problem, and of course, it'll be handled by AJAX in C2 app.

    I'll check your tutorial as soon as I can Thanks !

  • I managed to handle rooms : 2 players / room maxi.

    I guess the turn based gestion is the prettey the same as on a solo game.

  • Hello,

    I was wondering if it's possible to make a 1vs1 turn based game, where data is based on a php application (basically a card game )

    If so, do you have any advice ?


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  • Thanks, it works perfectly