ACMJ's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • UPDATE :

    It seems that every time I leave the videos scene and come back to it, it re-downloads the videos to play.

    I tested the "on offline mode ready" trigger and launched the game, but it didn't work (after letting the game run for a while, it still didn't trigger.) Which would be the best solution for me?

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  • Thank you ASHLEY. I don't know how "offline support" works. Does it mean it will download all video files from the beginning ? Will it download different versions of a same video (mp4 and webm) or only one ? Is there a way to know when all the videos are downloaded completely ?

    Thank you

  • Thank you calminthenight,

    The problem is that I have one scene with the video object and I use the action "change video source" to change the video. So I can only preload the first video at the beginning of the game. Or could I put several video object out of the screen to preload all the videos ?

  • Hello there,

    (Sorry for my english)

    I'm making a kind of treasure hunt with Construct 3. The game is to be played on a smartphone or a tablet, on an html5 file from The idea is to follow a track and at some points you can play mini-games or watch some videos. I use the Video plug-in.

    My problem is that some places where you have to launch a video is off the grid and the loading is veeeeeeery slow (even if the videos are low quality; from 5 to 30 mb.)

    The start of the treasure hunt is a place where you can have good wi-fi, so it would be easier to load every videos at the very start of the game (it's like +/- 400 mb.)

    Is there a way to do it ? Or another solution to my problem ? I saw that someone ask the same question some years ago but didn't have any answer.

    Thank you !

  • 4 posts