How do I Load all videos before starting the game ?

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Add SubRip (SRT) subtitles to your videos in Construct 3
  • Hello there,

    (Sorry for my english)

    I'm making a kind of treasure hunt with Construct 3. The game is to be played on a smartphone or a tablet, on an html5 file from The idea is to follow a track and at some points you can play mini-games or watch some videos. I use the Video plug-in.

    My problem is that some places where you have to launch a video is off the grid and the loading is veeeeeeery slow (even if the videos are low quality; from 5 to 30 mb.)

    The start of the treasure hunt is a place where you can have good wi-fi, so it would be easier to load every videos at the very start of the game (it's like +/- 400 mb.)

    Is there a way to do it ? Or another solution to my problem ? I saw that someone ask the same question some years ago but didn't have any answer.

    Thank you !

  • You can set the video to preload in properties panel but according to C3 manual, some mobile devices may ignore this. Keep in mind that if you preload all your videos at the start you will use a lot of RAM

  • Thank you calminthenight,

    The problem is that I have one scene with the video object and I use the action "change video source" to change the video. So I can only preload the first video at the beginning of the game. Or could I put several video object out of the screen to preload all the videos ?

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  • Yes you can add multiple video objects

  • Construct's offline support means that it starts downloading the entire game on startup. So it's already loading it all at the start of the game. That does not guarantee that the download has finished by the time you try to play a video though!

  • Thank you ASHLEY. I don't know how "offline support" works. Does it mean it will download all video files from the beginning ? Will it download different versions of a same video (mp4 and webm) or only one ? Is there a way to know when all the videos are downloaded completely ?

    Thank you

  • UPDATE :

    It seems that every time I leave the videos scene and come back to it, it re-downloads the videos to play.

    I tested the "on offline mode ready" trigger and launched the game, but it didn't work (after letting the game run for a while, it still didn't trigger.) Which would be the best solution for me?

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