Hi all,
I've only just come across Construct in my search to find a 2d sdk to teach next year in my high school in NSW Australia. I'm keen to see if there are any other computer teachers out there who use this sdk or perhaps use a different sdk to try and introduce games development as a course at your school.
We're currently delivering Games Study and Development as a form of Information and Software Technology for Stage 5 students. The students seem to love it over the past 2 years, however it has been difficult to balance the different areas of game development and cater to so many different mind sets and skills sets. I used Unity 3d last year with some success, however, students found the Javascript programming a little hard to grasp with only 10 weeks allocated to the unit of work. The year before I used the UDK and that was a big mistake. It's overly complex and doesn't allow for ease of programming and customisation - so that one died with that year.
Are there any other Board of Studies based courses that teachers are using around the state and perhaps would like to collaborate in creating a theory and practical based Games development course for the NSW syllabus?