AbusiveChAoS's Forum Posts

  • check for square is overlapping object (when drag and drop ends) with or active and have all the not square objects in that list with action set x,y of square to the original position you have it at

    and if it checks overlapping object square set the position to the same position of the hollowed square as the action (likely setting a global or instance variable to determine that its been complete)

    if you need a capx or code example throw a screen or cap

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlna65qgqzcn2 ... .capx?dl=0

    methinks this is what you meant i just added +0.26 to the width and height at the same rate so it grows at 1/100th of its total size also it might be +0.26 and +0.24 for accuracy forgot to calculate for the difference in width and size :3

  • move the action in 18 to line 7 that sets the global var

    delete 16 and 19 entirely

    and on line 17 add over the top of the 0 set animation to idle

    this setup wont set the player to automatically resume walking animation though so change the line 5 condition to is moving

    that should fix the entirety of it if you need more halp holla

  • bump cant find any specifics on how to correlate peer touch

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  • instead of every tick put scroll to behaviour on the play object also if the screen ceases to follow due to it being the edge of the layout (and say youre in water) add enough space just past the teleport location with an identical look to where you are teleporting which will allow the screen to be centered the entire time and it still appear seamless

  • if you have a code example of what your jump looks like i can be more accurate but id say have an event that when your jump fires set a global var to 1 then

    (sprite in question) platform behaviour is on floor condition 2 global var=1 action even set sprite animation to idle (or whatever youd like it to snap to) and set global var to 1

  • im having a hard time figuring out how to get c2 to register peer touch inputs and keyboard presses currently i have it set up as on object touched send message a and then message a checks for peerid=multiplayer.myid then checks an instance variable before either making layers visible or invisible (peer HUD does the system layer visibility apply to only the peer?)

    also i see globals somewhat function for peers is there a way to sync/update these to the host variables for ease of code

    for some reason on the peers screens they spawn 2 instances of each created unit and back on the hosts there is only 1 is that normal?

  • is there a way to check for browser suspend with cocoon.io on cordova export?

    It appears cordova cocoon supports suspend however it does not support saving local or web storage as cocoon.myid causing suspend to somehow not work

  • not super familiar with array but you can set the sprite after pulling the number or otherwise off the array ju know array x-1=sprite 1 x-2=2

  • Looks dope only issue im having is the drag and drop library integration ive tried various things and followed the demo project folder removing only the www folder and xml config then pasted the rest of the items in my export before zipping it if there is a more in depth tutorial on this id appreciate it

  • turns out i was entering the app id of the actual app and it requires the google play services id ._. thanks for the halp

  • bump looking for plugin/event setup that worked for someone with cocoon to android

  • you could either do the animation frame load and then set the size of it or have the invisible sprites spawn the object directly or system-create an object at point x,y of the invisibles

  • i see thank you for the infos

  • quite possible im currently building a game on the same idea though i entirely lack art so i scaled it down to just basic sprite animation combat where you click in timing to the enemies attack to block/click in time to counterattack while the triggers run off of current sprite animation and animations frame with global vars to prevent refiring where the tells to click are a combination of advertised enemy movements and a specific colored ethereal field that appears around them