Abhishek Thapliyal's Forum Posts

  • 100 percent final.Now i can replicate the bug.

    Ashley ,please give me your email id so that i can share my project and can explain the bug in construct 3.It seems very serious(I dont want to public my source code in github)

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  • Hi everyone

    Today,Construct 3 crashed 3 times continuously.I was generating 25 sprites of coins plus few enemies.So i created my program and tested the algorithm.Although algorithm is perfectly correct but sometimes the program crashes

    did it happened to somebody else ? On first strike i lost my 50 percent project.On second and third strike i was careful enough to keep a copy of my project

    Also,after the program crashed,my all projects from local browser got wiped out(this really pissed me off:- long live google drive)

    Also during the crash,my cpu needle was at 100% throttle !!!(something really unusual)

    > I think you are right

    > Actually I was thinking about the gamee jam competition. In it, only multi-player games can be submitted

    Ah, now that's a different story. Their plugins handle all of that. As a matter of fact, if you read their FAQ, you'll find out that you can't use Ajax, Websockets or Multiplayer Plugin for that. You can't make any external connections.

    And, it can be multiplayer, single player or fake multiplayer.

    So, you're back in the ballgame.

    Thanks for correcting me.Actually I did not read the rules carefully and after reading the main topic "battle with friends",my mind was calculating that i have to make a multiplayer game.Anyway again thanks !!!

    Thylacine there is more knowledge and i have it

    If you have the knowledge then share it !!!


    2: TURN server

    3: TURN server

    4: no problem

    5: isn't realtime multiplayer

    WHAT ???

    I think you are right

    Actually I was thinking about the gamee jam competition. In it, only multi-player games can be submitted

    Thanks for the answer

    Ashley, can you give a sweet opinion 😊😊😊

    Hello everyone

    i am working on a multiplayer game but i have a fundamental doubt:- how to even begin with it?

    Example:- I want to make a multiplayer game where users will use their wifi to connect with each other(EXACTLY LIKE milli militia).Even bluetooth will be fine to connect and play.Just basic fact is that i don't want users to use internet(i mean that whole system should be offline:-users are just using wifi/bluetooth for connecting with each other)

    Infact,can such games be made in construct 3? Just wondering

  • Thanks friend

  • Yeah,pretty cool.Your idea is awesome !!!

  • Thanks friend !!!

  • Hi everyone

    I am making a game and in that , i have to measure and record the time elapsed as soon as a particular layout is active

    Can anyone help me regarding that ?

    Thanks in advance

  • And I want to also ask a simple question

    I have noticed in many places, like github and on the forms too, that users talk about updating to a particular version. How to do that too???

    What I normally do

    I open construct3.com,click on launch construct 3 and jump on my work. I never got any message regarding any updates

  • Fengist brother, how to set up automatic backup in browser???

  • No

    After doing a good amount of work, I apply for online save and then I wait till it does not get completed

    Thanks for answering the question