Abhishek Thapliyal's Forum Posts

  • Please file a bug report following all the guidelines. We need all the required information to be able to help.

    Actually I dont think that it is a bug.I am 100 percent sure that i must be doing something terrible here !!!

  • here is the .c3p file. Whenever i make an apk out of it,it simply closes on opening !!!


    Ashley please also give a look at it.File is very small !!!

  • It's all there in the manual : construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/mobile-advert

    Thanks for the answer

    I already read that but still I am facing problems. Next time I will upload my. C3p file so that someone would be kind enough to figure out the bugs. I was just in a search to find a reference file just teaching how to use admob (I think I am doing something wrong in filling some id😂😂😂)

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  • I know that tutorials are already available but somehow i am unsuccessful in implementing admob in my game.

    When i use the admob plugin ,it simply does not work(i know that i am doing something horribly wrong).

    Precisely when i make a debug apk file,as soon as i open the apk,it simply closes !!!

    Does there is a template based on admob (made by anyone)? It would be infinite help for me !!!

    Ashley there are many beautiful examples at the start page of the editor,but no one covers admob. It should also be considered

  • Dear Ashley

    I was finalizing my application when i encountered something unusual.My app without admob is only 2 mb in size (apk) whereas a blank project with only admob is 3 mb in size (apk).Is it normal or am i doing something wrong ?

  • > I would rather suggest you to buy assets.Many already would had/have been using open source assets,so it gives a very bad taste.Also using open source assets depict less seriousness of the programmer towards game development.

    That doesn't really work in the game jam scene.

    The Idea is that if you come up with something worthwhile you then replace the artwork if necessary.

    There's more than enough free stuff out there to make something that looks decent.

    Besides everyone knows if you're realllly serious you make your own assets from scratch.

    I was not answering in context of game jam.His message did not really pointed towards game jam(also only few hours were left for the jam so i thought that it was just a random question in a forum). Regarding game jam,one can use anything,even proprietary/non commercial assets.I was answering in context of publishing games on mobile platform etc

  • I would rather suggest you to buy assets.Many already would had/have been using open source assets,so it gives a very bad taste.Also using open source assets depict less seriousness of the programmer towards game development.

  • Thanks

  • Hi Ashley

    i was making a project in which a ball must be confined in a wall boundary.So i used platform behavior for the ball and solid behavior for the wall.But while debugging i noticed an error

    When the ball speed is quite less,it is not able to beach the wall.But when the speed of wall is pretty high,it simply dodges the wall,as if wall simply do not exist.Is i am making a mistake ? Or any other suggestion ?

  • What is this? I mean construct 2 or 3?

  • I still did not got how to submit the games to the jam

    Share the link within the emulator?? What?

    And will I have to share the source code?

  • The procedure of sending the game is another story

    Please someone help me too. I use construct 3

  • Just saying like that

    Did you tried ???

  • Would someone be kind enough to explain me the meaning of" unique id of the player you want to get the save state"

    I have still not begun my work

  • Hi GameeApp

    I was trying to learn how to use the plugin and i have currently encountered an obstacle

    I am talking about construct 3

    When i approach "Request player save state" ,a window opens asking for the unique id of the player you want to get the save state

    What is userId ???

    Basically what i am trying to achieve (I may be wrong but please correct me):-

    :-for saving the data of the player,I will use "game save ".Inside it,I will store the data to the gamee server in form of json format

    :-then using "request player save state" , i will download the player data back (eg to figure out no. of coins collected ,on which level is the player etc).Here i am struct (If my way is wrong then please guide me)

    Others are also welcome to help me !!!

    Thanks in advance