Abhishek Thapliyal's Forum Posts

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    Abhishek Thapliyal please read the manual page, it explains what a publisher ID is and where to find it. The TEST keyword is a legacy feature that was removed some time ago, I realised this morning that there was still a reference to it in the manual page so I removed it.

    The TEST keyword was basically a substitute for the example Admob ID values, but Admob considers them a special case and hence they often work when a real Ad unit ID wouldn't. Making them pretty useless for testing.

    Thanks for the answer but again a new doubt rises

    Construct 3 is asking for app id for both android and ios whereas on admob site,i only got one app id.

    And also what is publisher id ?


    This means that "TEST" will not work from now and we will have to enter the real application id ? And it is right that i have to tick the "Test mode" so that my admob account does not get banned?

    And i hope that here also i have to fill the real ad id(not application id) instead of "TEST"?

    Thanks for the answer

    I am new to admob so my question may sound like a joke

    if i will enter the id then will not my admob account be banned ? (There was something like this in the manual)

  • Have you followed the instructions in : construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/how-do-i-8/breaking-change-mobile-advert-145087 ?

    I notice you used "TEST" as value for the company and other informations in the properties of the mobile advert.

    Be sure to use real informations on par with your account's configuration (as indicated in the manual).

    Problem is that i am new to admob. I am afaid that if i do something wrong then i will get banned

    It would be awesome if a template is made for this

  • I have following sprites in my project.Their size is same(233 bytes).Their height and width is also same.So Ashley while exporting the project,won't be these images assumed to be same by the exporter ?

  • Thanks a lot Ashley ,inspite of hectic schedule you try a lot to clear doubts of everyone.

    Thanks again

    I actually also think it would be a nice idea to have an admob/mobile template within C3, as one of the standard templates.

    Where the admob events are explained and some easy examples for one layout with banner, with video and with interstitial.


    Earlier when i was using gdevelop ,there was a template regarding this. And this will not even take too much time

  • I know that my question is weird but still i did not got the logic difference between sound and music(in which folder should i add my audio files?).My requirement is simple :- play a looping audio file at menu , a blast sound when enemy bullets hit me etc.

    Nepeo Also unsigned apk file fail to install on mobiles

    And also please give a look at my admob doubt

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  • I'm seriously angry because I've spent 1 week trying to find a bug in my project which resulted in black screen. In debug mode it was all loaded, but nothing was showing.

    After 1 week I've gave up and tried another project, the same happened. Now that I had a clue about what was causing all of this, my project now fail to load every time.

    So, I find out we have a really serious problem about the new built in function when you start to copy functions from one project to another. It results in invalid functions calls and somehow is blocking the entire game to load, but this time I can't even start my project.

    I genuinely expect a quick solution to my problem. It's an absurd. I've so little time to work on my projects and now, in the middle of the weekend, I can't do sh**t because a project breaking problem like that is in the stable release.

    And before start with ceticism and say I'm using loops wrong or whatever, I can provide the project for a quick solution, just tell me how, please.


    I know your problem.It happened with me also

    1.)Ensue that you are using latest version of construct 3

    2.)What really happened with me:-i mostly use construct 3 offline.And when black screen appears,i connect the internet again and after few seconds the project would run smoothly.

    If the problem still persists then again ask for the help here

  • I would suggest you to spend some more time on construct 3.It is very easy.

    But still if you want to buy the source code then go to codecanyon.com. But there is a small problem.That code will be available to all buyers.This means that you will have to tweak the source code so that the game looks little different.Otherwise your game will be exactly ideal to other games made using same source code.

    If you want a source code specially designed for you then it would be very expensive(and somewhat is almost impossible :- just think,won't the developer simply use it to launch game on app store and generate more money)

    So the best option is codecanyon.com. What you want is available there(I have seen it).

    Obviously i am creating debug apk file

    I want to use admob in my game.I am completely new to it.So when i am using admob in a sample project,it simply closes down.Can you please tell me where i am wrong ?(it's a sample project so it won't take too much time)
