99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • https://www.google.be/?hl=nl#hl=nl&q=sc ... scirra.com

  • Workaround:

    Completely reload the project file in Construct 2. This will reset the "in-memory" prototype of Block and its associated instance variable's values.

    I hate what that 'workarround' implies. Because. Well, if you are not carefull, the copys that you make tomorrow will have their instance variables set to different values as the copys that you made today.


    create a default instance in an object-bank layout.


    Hope it gets fixes one day.

  • Yes, wel. You set gravity to -1500 in the first event when it is different than -1500.

    So, the second event is ALWAYS true.

    Add system> else to the second condition.

  • There is a entry in the manual that explains how things work very well. Better then i ever can do.


    That, and kinda only that, and especially that, is the most import part of the manual.

    Have fun !

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  • Of course the cameras work with increased cones of view.

    It was just NOT designed to catch that. There is only 1 frame/situation in the player (was eye candy anyway). There is only 1 laser (also just eye candy)

    You just need more lasers when more cameras are triggered at the same time.

    Add a 'for each', to account for more picked camera's. Add a event for the logical 'else' and one for the inverted 'picks'.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/jp0wwfadf4f4i ... .capx?dl=0

  • I followed this BUG report.

    Now, i am not supposed to write in a closed bug report. But i found this one very intriguing.

    I understand why it is closed. Lots of events, and they are a bit done in a way that i would not do. Yet, they are very simple.

    Nothing new, just functions calling functions. No reason to (almost every one in here is smarter then i am) run away from it on first glance.

    I added logging with the browser plugin. You can find them easy with the search function. Reducing everything to a few events.

    I added a 'alien' function call.

    Follow the instructions as given by the OPP in the other topic.

    Bring up the console in the browser.

    You can clearly see that there is a log entry before calling the function, but no log entry from within the function.

    Conclusion, the function is not called (the first time).


    Would appreciate if you look into this. Because i dont understand it, and it makes me distrust functions.


  • Why not ? Just a Line-of-sight more. (rereading the question).

  • Yes, there is a 'not equal to' option in 'system > condition > Compare two values'. But that is not what you need.

    System > Every Tick

    Sub EventS ... Local variable 'Exceed' = 0

    ........................System > Compare two values ... First = Player.xpplayer ... Comparisation = '> is greater then' ... second = xptotal

    ....................................ActionS: Set 'Exceed' to xptotal - Player.xpplayer

    .................................................Set xptotal to zero

    .................................................Set Player.xpplayer to 'Exceed'

    .................................................Level up

  • I cant not stress this enough. Although i have not the autority to do so.

    Your events are redundant because you dont use instances, and you dont know how to pick them.

    It is as easy as this:

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... lRZLUFWVmc

    At the same time i show you a proper use of a function.

    A function is needed when you have to pick from scratch. And i need to, because the 'on drop' picks only 1 sprite2, while i need to evaluate the others too. So, i have to broaden the picklist. (can also with 'pick all')

    A function is convenient if it is a block of events that can be reused with other parameters, when the function can pick the right instance or the right member of a family. In other cases you only dive deeper into problems because the set up is to complicated, especially when using a new object for each sprite.

  • Hope this shows you 'picking'. And how to use 'else'.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... 3FDc0NYc00

  • Using different x&y / layer to fake a parallax is weird anyway. What i think. Besides that it makes things complicated.

    In the real world it is something simple as this:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/xnhw2e2l3jky7 ... .capx?dl=0

    (plane flying above ground)