99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • I think containers.

    Besides that. Lets gamble. You must have a condition somewhere that picks several map objects, and you follow up by picking the iso objects that matches with only the first instance of map object in the picklist. A 'for each object" will solve that. Or a 'on collision' in stead of 'is overlapping'.

    Say you have several bullets somewhere in the air, or a dense pack enemy's.

    Now the condition 'bullet is overlapping enemy' will result in a picklist containing many bullets and many enemy's.

    map bullet is overlapping map enemy

    ____for each map bullet (sub event)

    ____pick iso bullet with the same instance variable as map bullet (same event)

    ..................................action ... destroy iso bullet

    ____for each map enemy (new sub event)

    ____pick iso enemy with the same instance variable as map enemy (same event)

    ..................................action ... destroy iso enemy

    ____an empty sub

    ..................................action ..destroy map bullet

    ..................................action ..destroy map enemy

  • Additional tip:

    Just delete everything in the 'name field'.

    Then type the character "

    Construct will give you all layouts by name in a drop-down menu. Just choose. Safer then typing then name.

  • I think most in here use beta/ or both (i do).

    Same in non beta:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/h4kvaudc91008 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Sup with that?

    I think that you 4get 1 important thing: The obstacle map is ready the NEXT tick.

    Construct a flow that waits for it to be ready, and it should work.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/7m9kgq2rf7atz ... .capx?dl=0

    As you can see, a call to finding a path happens here the tick after the obstacle map is changed.

  • That is easily to overcome.

    Set the scale of the sprite to 0.9 (original size must match layout size)

    Test overlaps with offsets = grid size. (16 in this case)

    Set the scale of the sprite to 1.0

    But that is not the main problem.

    Besides that the check happens every tick in the provided capx, i see checks only a look left/right & up/down.

    That way the rules can never be exclusive. Several situations will be true for several rules.

    I think this is the right way to do such a task.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/sr4kpio8k3ih2 ... .capx?dl=0

    I did not account for all combinations, got have some work left eh.

  • Darn, yes, you have 2 situations.

    • ball is destroyed when in air ... wait for landing .. then respawn
    • ball is destroyed when not in air ... just respawn ... (no idea if you have a timer)

    On ball destroyed

    ........action .... set players Boolean 'aCtion' to 'true'

    Player Is on floor

    Players is Boolean 'aCtion'

    ____action ....respawn

    ......................set players Boolean 'aCtion' to 'FALSE'

  • When using a global layer. Can do this too.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/xm8z6dd2mrmyy ... .capx?dl=0

    If you build the Menu with only sprites, (eventual using rex_Button) it can be done in 2 lines, using 1 family.

    But, besides that, event groups do work flawless. If you need to know what you did wrong, then show what you did.

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  • Can container up Arrays with Sprites. Works awesome, feels like there is only 1 array around when coding.

  • Tandis relectures, remplacer <Pick Up animation> avec <l'animation "ramasser">.

  • You set the position of the 'followers' before setting the final position of that base object.

    Should work if you switch both events.

  • All you do is on jump unpin player

    player ignoring input

    It is not that easy. In case of the combination pin/platform, the moment of the pin is extremely important.

    Pin 'on land' and the 'push-out-off-solids-routine' might not be ready. Locked up in the solid. Pin a little to late and it has no ground to jump from. Besides that, the pin might push it into the solids (it does not have a 'push-out-off-solids-routine'). Very difficult when dealing with round objects as planets tend to be. Only Physics has a circle collision mask, for you to choose. The other behaviors rely on masks build with lines, and a half pixel can make a difference. I jumped into this, like i jump into everything. But actually trying it myself got me stuck really quick. But it is heaven to learn from.

  • One can stand theoretical correct, and yet make no sense in practice. Not attacking anyone, just in general.

    Case: 'Oh what can happen, you get a take down notice, take it down an all is solved'. Theoretical correct, in practice .... take it down and you plain lose. I have seen projects taking down with the value of 8 years work for several people. Do not take it down and you are in a big war with a lot of damage and collateral damage. You can not win against class justice as a normal individual.

    It smells like robbery, if put as "'Oh what can happen, you get a take down notice ....". Similar. One puts a gun to my head and says : "Give me your iPhone". If i give it, all is solved ? No harm done ?

    Case: 'I am protected by Fair Use'. (We have a similar law, a bit better formulated). Can be theoretical totally correct. In practice you are never ever protected by Fair Use, unless you work for someone/something who is to big to fail. As individual you are never protected, because this is a law that needs interpretation:

    In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include:

    • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
    • the nature of the copyrighted work;
    • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
    • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

    The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

    This law fits perfect in a class justice. And will be always provoked that way.

    Contrary to the constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection of the laws and the etching “Equal Justice Under Law” on the Supreme Court building, the kind of justice people get in America’s courts depends very much upon the amount of money they can spend at an army of lawyers. That is reality. Not only in America. An upcoming trend here too.

    My 2 small cents.

  • I gamble that this is what you try to do.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lufkjha29upj ... .capx?dl=0

    I am not that happy with this, i feel like the platform is pushed to close to its limits.

  • It does not jump because it is not standing on ground. (i take it that it is orbiting).

    Just 'Set vector Y' directly.