99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • You can still use the tick-cyclus.

    Lets say we want to count to 10 in 1 second.

    dt is time between 2 ticks. So dt takes 1/dt dt-steps in a second.

    But we want to do it in 10 steps, meaning each step will be 1/(dt*10)

    Or for any time (s): s/(dt*10)

    Need a global variable 'step'

    Then, first you need a condition that is true when a fade is needed.

    Then first subevent (every tick): and the actions

    opacity = step^2

    add s/(dt*10) to step

    Second subevent

    If step > 100 >>> set root condition as not true

    I did't test this, i can have made a math error. But you see the picture?

  • Suppose you use Platform.

    Then you have the expression Sprite.Platform.VectorX to compare for.

    When Sprite.Platform.VectorX = zero >> play idle

    When Sprite.Platform.VectorX < X or = x and not zero >> play walk (put x to your liking)

    When Sprite.Platform.VectorX > x >> play run

    Set the Acceleration of the platform to have enough 'walking time'.

    The platform does nothing when no key pressed, so those purely run on what the character is actual dooing.

    But, keep in mind that you probaly have to jump too, you dont want them running mid air.

    So they can also be true when the character is jumping. In that case they need a second condition.


    (condition1) When > x and (condition 2) platform is on the floor > play run

    You might have to add a 'do once while true' to all that.

  • It is drag an drop. As long as you respect the local variables. You can drag/drop actions. You can drag/drop individual conditions. You can drag/drop complete events. You can drag/drop events to make them a sub or a root. You drag/drop objects from the project window in to the layout.

    What am i missing ?

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    It will still jagg if the mouse is to fast.

    How more dense sprite3 how smoother.

    R0J0hound has made a MUCH better physics plugin with better joints.

    But if i use a plugin, he aint opening my capx.

    With his plugin you can make the joints pull depending on the speed of the mouse.

    And another plus: framerate is not dropping at all, it drops when u scale, position & rotate towards.

    You can, ofcourse, make the mouse invisible with a transparant sprite set to it.

  • Bring all the key and mouse conditions in event groups. Then system action:

    Set group active

    Set an event group active or inactive. None of the events in an inactive group run until it is activated again. The event group is identified by its name.

    I know that it is a workarround in youre eyes. But its elegant and it works perfect.

  • I knew about the 'static', but because i used (x,y,z) that got evident. I should have seen that it is not a good presentation of the problem. I apologize for that.

    Its nice how you use a timer to insert the dt. I never thaught of that.

  • So the answer to my question is YES, kinda.

    You have to learn to read your conditions, you need to know when they are true.

    The standing animation runs when v=0 (speed is zero), when the platform is on the floor and when idle is not playing. Those conditions are still all true when you press a key. So at the moment, when you trigger a hit animation you also trigger a stand animation.

    This means that the trigger for the stand animation needs a condition more to stop it from playing during the hit animation. You know how to do that, you did it allready whit the idle animation.

  • I think you should format the whole text to a Dictionary. With 3 str variables. WholeText, TempText, NextText.

    once > Set NextText to WholeText

    While NextText is not ""

    Set TempText to NextText

    Variable 'place' = 0

    For "index" from 39 to 0

    if mid(TempText , loopindex("index"), 1) = " " > break loop

    > set place to loopindex("index")

    add key to dictonary .. key = str(some counter) .. value = left(TempText,place - 1)

    Set NextText to right(TempText, len(TempText) - place)

    (you might have to place -1 or + 1, not sure)

    Store the .jason, could be handy.

    Something like that.

    Then you have it all handy. Reading from from the dictonary goes like:

    the expression : Dictionary.Get(str(some counter))

  • https://


  • How do you trigger the 'stand animation' ? Is the condition that makes it start to play kinda always true ?

  • Right click, add point. Set to bounding box, as i suggested, should set 4 points too.

  • You can have multiply instances of construct running. I think that you can copy from one to the other.

    BUT. That is very tricky. Probaly have to do the variables first. Dont shoot at me if you create problems.

  • In the layout-editor you see on top in the ribbon (when you look at the layout and in the tab view) a checkmark with 'Show collision polys'. Check it and you will see red lines that stand for the collision polygones.

    If they look a bit messed up. Then double click the sprite to take you to the sprite editor. Choose the last tool on the left. Wich is for changing the collission polygones. Rightclicking and set them to the bouning box, will do in youre situation. Or change them to tour liking.

  • Its maybe easyer to format the source of the text ?

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  • I suppose left and right will be grid movement. But.

    Will the jump be a grid movement ? How do you see that ?

    Will falling be a grid movement ? Explain the idea ?

    If a yes to those questions, then it is just grid movement in 3 directions. The down direction just happens till the object meets an overlap with ground on an imagepoint. Collissions cant happen. Everything will be a legal move untill a overlap occurs.