99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • You dont see any amount of segments in the debugger ?

    Seems to me that fresh created segments are all on 1 place, following exactly the same path.

    In event 79, the head is unreferenced. The segments get the speed of the first head + 4. But that is not the problem. They all get created on the same place and get the same first waypoint.

    No idea why 80 is needed. They have a waypoint allready, just need a new one when there is a change.

    I have no idea whats more in event 80.

    I have no idea when you destroy the segments.

    Just rattling, never mind me.

  • I wonderd if those data are usefull, but all are accessable in the expressions.

  • Yes Sir !

    (you have no idea how impressed that i am that you see that)

  • Lets say i have the following JSON string of a simple object.


    What do al those tags mean ? What info do they give ?

    I looked for a reference doc. Cant find it.


  • 6000 Pixels/seconds is really a BIG speed. Lets assume that the enemy is a big 50 pixels wide thing. Then the overlap rest only 0.013 seconds. That is dedectable at 100 ticks/seconds, but i would not count on that. So even in overlap, it will miss once in a while. Collissions at that speed is out of the question.

    Also, i have no idea at what rate you fire, but i can imagine that you have like 30 bullets when the enemy is 100 pixels away. So you have to detect 100 overlaps a second, kinda. A system that can all do that is awesome.

    The best chances to solve this you have with a 'is greater then' or 'is smaller then' comparisation. To give it room to decide. On top it needs to fast-pick the right bullet. And it should be in the form of kinda a trigger.

    To do this, i used the 'line of sight' behaviour. Add the right enemy as obstacle on creation of the bullet. Give it a small range and a small cone (i think that would be 20 in youre case, but you have to find that youre self)

    If you now use the condition 'Has LOS too object', the right bullet gets picked (but also the right enemy), and in a fast way. If you destroy the bullet then, you can even have a copy of this event running to have even higher dedection rates.

  • I would like to see that CapX. It looks awesome.

  • Okay, so you want the bullet to change direction towards a moving player, so it wil always hit. Kinda like a heat-seaking-bullet.

    Wel you have the bullet action 'set angle of motion'. That wil ask you for an angle.

    The needed angle you get with an expression. Assuming that the name of the bullet = "bullet' and the name of the player = "player" it is:


    Just fill that in the 'set angle of motion' action.

    Basecaly you use the same tool to change angle as you use to do the motion. If you use 'rotate toward position' (by instance) you rotate the physics world, while you need to rotate things IN that physics world. You will make things go stuck by pushing them into solids, the paths will go erratic, in fact you just break the physics world.

    A little warning; if the bullets always hit, the player goes erratic too.

    Hope i helped.

  • Nopes, that does not work. Save it as Single File (= .capX).

  • Is that 'projectile' moved by a bullet behaviour or in another way?

    How do you shoot it?

    Is that 'another object' moving ? Is the 'projectile' allowed to mis ?

    Is that 'projectile' allowed to align to its path or does it needs to keep the same angle ?

    Most behaviours have a 'set angle' no/yes switch.

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  • Can you confirm that those are not distorted:



    If they are not distorted in this capX, you do not have an additonal problem. You are just calling the play actions more times then you expect. Look my cap how i solved that.

    If the animation speed is slower then the actual Frames/second. An actual frame will be showed in more then one tick. Therfor: youre condition is true for several ticks in a row.

    Lets say the animation runs at 25 frames/second. & The game runs at 50 frames/second. Then each frame will be showed 2 ticks. And your conditions is true for 2 ticks. & then it farts, eh.

  • Here you go sir.



    But you may have to pick the nearest, instead of in creation order, to aclompis wat you want.

  • Then you need (only 4 licensed c2)/use families.


    Or nick name the solids with one of the 2 plugins by rexrainbow.

  • One of them should be a 'fake' slider, only reacts to the player scrolling as a graphic element, but with no changing conditions attached to it. The other one, the real one, acts to the player scrolling and changes the things that you want to change. Now it is just a case of picking the right one and set the other one to the same Y position.


    Player changed fake_slider

    set real_slider to same position

    change the things you want to change based on the position of the real_slider

    Player changed real_slider

    change the things you want to change based on the position of the real_slider

    set fake slider to same position

  • Depends on the moment that you acces that menu. You can't have most of the conditions in a 'on start layout' event.

    Wich is totaly logic.