7Soul's Forum Posts

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    > > IDK about Flappy Bird itself (Never played the original), but I know someone here posted a version (Lazy Rocket, I think) that had a shop, and if you clicked a button and viewed an ad, you got your money doubled for that round.

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    > Man, that's something I though only EA was evil enough to do...


    Not really, the only stuff in the store is cosmetic stuff, and it's money earned ingame (Don't think you can even buy it atm). Honestly helps break up the monotony a little.

    Giving an ingame advantage for clicking your ads is still a dirty practice.

    Worse than that was Dungeon Keeper giving ingame currency if you gave it 5-stars on the app store

  • On Desura http://www.desura.com/games/everlasting-tower But you can only get the money once it reaches a certain amount (don't remember how much but it's a lot more than what I got)

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  • Yes I made 20 bucks with a game

    But anyway,

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    looks like is gaining a lot of popularity

  • IDK about Flappy Bird itself (Never played the original), but I know someone here posted a version (Lazy Rocket, I think) that had a shop, and if you clicked a button and viewed an ad, you got your money doubled for that round.

    Man, that's something I though only EA was evil enough to do...

  • I use the platform behavior because of the collision detection and built in conditions, but then I make everything else on events (moving, jumping, double-jumping, ladders, dashing, etc). You have to disable default controls to do this

  • So, when can I appropriately use the "System - > Compare two values" condition?

    This one is used to compare... values! But not good for multiple instances of the same object.

    Let's say you want to compare some kind of calculation, like "score * 10 > 1000", then you use "Compare two values"

    See System Conditions

    What is the difference between "Overlapping" and "Colliding"? Some objects doesn't have the "colliding with another object" condition?

    Overlapping is a repeating action, so it will be tested every tick. Something like "player overlapping lava + every 1 second" will fire every second while the player is on lava.

    Colliding is a one time trigger. So you can use like "bomb collides with ground > play sound" and the sound will only play once (but can play again if it collides another time)

    Sometimes "On collision with another object" disappears because you can only have one trigger event on a condition (trigger events are represented by a green arrow before them)

    See Sprite

    How do you make a "spawned" (or even those not spawned) object's sprite be always "over another object's sprite?

    You can have "move to top" or "move to object" on every tick

    See Common actions

  • Plus, reputation can be easily "farmed" if you know how... so limiting your post wouldn't mean anything

  • Check the blending modes example that comes with C2, there's one you can use to make the screen darker, and have circles that "poke holes" in the darkness

  • Don't use "Compare two values", use the "Compare X" condition of the object you want

  • I don't think you can properly make a pie chart in C2 (unless there's a plugin somewhere for that).

    Also try not to bump more than once a day

  • I don't think there's a way to make it don't play the animation on start. Only thing I can think of is making the animation speed 0 by default, then with events you change it when you want the animation to start

  • First make the animation speed 0 (click the animation, and change it in the properties bar)

    Then you can use Set frame -> Object.AnimationFrame + 1 when the player presses the space bar

  • I recently had the same question, check it out:

    There's a lot of math involved with making games. If you don't want to help, then don't reply

  • It's not too hard to make a function to convert back and forth from db and a scale system (e.g. 0-100).

    Scale = 100 * 10 ^ (dB / 33.2)

    dB = -log10(100 / Scale) * 33.2

    "Not too hard"

    But hey, it works!

  • The System events don't pick objects. So when you compare the position using a System condition, the game is just like "Is there a Goon at this position?" instead of "Pick a Goon that is at this position"

    Try using a For Each loop and an instance variable for the Goon

    For Each Goon

    + Goon.X > Player.X

    : Set Goon.position = 1

    + Goon.X < Player.X

    : Set Goon.position = -1

    Then you can compare Goon.position to know if it is on the left or right of the player