7Soul's Forum Posts

  • It appears System:Stop Loop does anything for Array:For each nn element, just for System: loops. I put some logging in your code and the loop does not stop. I guess just have a local variable "valueFound" or similar and set it to 1 when you've found the first zero, and use this as a second expression in the arrInv:Value at condition. AFAIK.

    Thanks, that worked ^^


  • Set the animation speed to 0, then on events (at the point your image shows there) you add "Set frame to floor(random(5))"

    random(5) gives you a number from 0 to 4.99... floor() rounds it down to 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4

  • I'm trying to make a code that finds the first "0" value on an Array and places a number there.

    I don't understand why this fills the entire array with the new value:


    Is the "Stop Loop" useless here? What can I do for an "For Each XY element" to stop?

  • On the main page, my name is below where it should be

  • One obvious problem is that you check endloop=1 to Stop the outer loop, but the inner one will still run one more time. You should at least have an Else after Endloop=1 to stop that inner loop.

    Oh my god, I love you @

  • So in this function I have 2 loops, one called "item" and one called "z".

    "item" loops through the X index of an array called "Chance", while "z" loops through the depth of the array (which is 2).

    "item" returns me the X position at which this function stops, while "z" returns the depth at what that happens

    But for some reason, "z" always returns 0, when the events are like this:

    (in this order, the loop goes "1,0" "1,1" "2,0" "2,1" "3,0" "3,1"... and always stops at "X, 0" for some reason)

    (events 21 and 23)


    And if I switch the order of the loops, "z" always returns 1

    (in this order, the loop goes "1,0" "2,0" "3,0" "4,0" "5,0" "6,0"... and always stops at "X, 1" for some reason)

    (events 21 and 23)


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  • Great plugins, but there's some things missing in CSV2Array that would be very helpful

    First the ability to pick the delimiter for the CSV. It uses "," by default, but a lot of times ";" is used on csv (specially if saved with Excel)

    Second the ability to pick to what Z index the values are added Nevermind, just updated the plugin and saw this was added already, awesome ^^

  • If your player has the physics behavior, you can change the collision mask to "circle" instead. It'll set its physics collision to a circle that has the width of the object. The original collision box is still used for collision events

  • I think to some extent you will need to come up with your own development visualisations using events.

    This should work for now

  • GBJam #3: jams.gamejolt.io/gbjam3 Aug 1st - Aug 10th

  • You want a portfolio website? Is that it? It can be done in C2, assuming you already have a way of hosting it. There are easier ways of making your own free portfolio though

  • But it has 0 height.

    It makes no difference

    I guess you'd expect the X to be horizontal ? How should the display of a width of 100 be performed then ?

    Maybe make the array an actual table (like an Excel sheet) and put a scrolling bar on it. This way you could see the array exactly like it is. The current way you can't even see at what Y any value is unless you count it yourself

  • Sorry, your english is kinda weird, but reading a second time I think I see what is that you're doing. The rotation behavior might be causing the collision polygons to move inside each other, screwing up the physics simulation... if you post the .capx we can take a look at it instead of just guessing

  • What are you trying to do by changing the parallax of the layer the player is on? Parallax is meant to be used to make scenery that is in front or on the back of the action move faster or slower to simulate perspective.

  • Why are you using physics and platformer? They are not compatible