7Soul's Forum Posts

  • When I opened the main store page, I could hear an ad for Spriter, but I couldn't see where it was coming from. I had to click the "Popular Items" tab to see the video

  • Is it possible to name a loop using a variable?

    Something like:

    loopName = "the_loop"
    for loopName from 1 to 100 -> set object.X to loopindex(loopName)[/code:1g5ri6gq]
    The problem here is that "loopindex(loopName)" is not accepted as a valid expression, even though "for loopName from 1 to 100" is possible
    [b]----- EDIT: [/b]
    Figured it out. Using str() on the variable name forces the expression to be accepted 
  • This is how your events would look like with else in the right places (its a quick photoshop edit of your image, so ignore that the conditions have multiple actions )

    [quote:1hktlzsk]My else statements are on their own. By together I assume you mean "in the same box".

    Yeah. If they are alone in their own box and have no actions, then they are useless. They must either have some more conditions on the same box, or be alone and have actions

  • I don't know about that, but I know that's not how you use "Else". The else must be together with other conditions, or on its own.

    Though in your events here, it's not required at all

  • I've never seen this nor is there much I can do without steps to reproduce it or at least an indication of what your preferences are. Is there any more information you can provide?

    Does it work correctly if you press "ignore"? If so perhaps the check could simply be removed...

    Ok, so the last time I think I pressed another button instead of "Repeat".

    It happened again, and clicking "ignore" goes back to C2. I can press ctrl+s but it doesn't save.

    I used "save as project" to a different folder, and then I can save normally again. But my project kept the * near the name. Closing and reopening the project solves this last problem, and I can save normally again

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • No problems here, 59-60 fps at all times (on Chrome)

  • Problem Description

    Got this error when quitting C2 with a project with changes to be saved (had the * next to the name)

    Construct 2 Check failure
    Check failure!  This is probably a bug:
    Project still marked as changed after save
    Condition: autosave || !project->IsChanged()
    File: Construct2.cpp
    Line: 2238
    Function: bool __cdecl CConstruct2App::SaveProject(class Project *,bool,bool)
    Build: release 185 (64-bit) checked
    Component: Construct 2 IDE
    (Last Win32 error: 0)
    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way.  Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports!  Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.
    Anular   Repetir   Ignorar   
    Clicked "Repeat" and then C2 closed. My changes weren't saved (on the .caproj) but the autosaved .capx was fine
    This has happened around 4 times in one month, with older versions as well
    Nothing to attach or steps to reproduce. It happens very rarely and with different projects
    [b]Operating System and Service Pack[/b]
    Windows 7 ultimate
    [b]Construct 2 Version ID[/b]
  • I like it 7Soul very Rayman Legendsesque level select. Clever.

    That's where I got it from ^^ I think it will work well with the way the levels are set up

    Btw, if I may ask, are you working on your creations full-time ("pro" activity), or in your spare time ("amateur"-style, which doesn't exclude a game-creation-related full-time job / freelance) ?

    I've been doing commission work on the side, but now I'm working exclusively on my stuff, which includes art for the asset store

  • How are you making the animated preview gifs???? The game looks nice...

    I use GifCam http://blog.bahraniapps.com/gifcam/

  • WIP level select hub

  • Hey any chance for twitter to be an option as a customer support link?

  • Was going to say perhaps it was because of zoom, but that would be out as far as the next star... in pixels.

    Might try resetting preferences.

    I opened all the .xml files and checked against other projects and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I reinstalled C2 and it didn't help.

    Another thing that is happening is that new objects on the "HUD" layer have this weird offset:

    But again, this only happens to new objects, and only in the "HUD" layer. But the "HUD" layer has the exact same properties than other layers (parallax is "100,100", parallax in editor is "no", etc)

    PS: as I was writing this, I found out this last bug was happening because one object had the "Color" effect... so nevermind that I guess

    The first bug still happens, and I found out it only starts happening once I try cloning something or creating something on the "HUD" layer, and then it starts happening in all layers.

    This is the xml for the layer, minus the instances:


    (<instances> do close, its just that Notepad++ hid that)

  • [attachment=0:3smln9c6][/attachment:3smln9c6]

    Every new object I create is placed at an insane X position. I can't recreate it on a new project so I'm not posting this as a bug, All my layers are using the default options (parallax "100,100", transparent "yes", etc) so I have no idea why this happens, and this only happens in the editor so it's not a huge problem

  • My asset name was too big and so it got cut out... are we getting the option to rename it eventually? (or is it already possible and I missed it?)

  • 7Soul's RPG Graphics - Pack 2 - — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>This asset pack contains UI pieces for the creation of RPG interfaces, such as inventory, quest givers, chests, health and mana bars, and much more.</p><p>It is part of a big game graphics pack that contains icons, player and monster sprites, map tiles, interface and visual effects for 16-bit style games. This is the second part of the pack, player and monster sprites will come later this year.</p><p>Check here the first part of the pack:</p><p>16x16 Icons for RPG - Pack 1</p><p>This pack contains:</p>

    • 30 Types of windows
    • Hearts in multiple colors
    • Window dividers and markers
    • Buttons, checkmarks and crosses
    • 64 Monster Drops
    • Many styles of bars
    • Arrows

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about 7Soul's RPG Graphics - Pack 2 -