33miles's Forum Posts

  • It worked! Your a genius LittleStain! Thanks for all your help buddy. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks sooo much LittleStain! That example is logical to me. I'll try it out after a few hours sleep and let you know how it goes. Have a great night, well early morning I guess I should say hehe. Thanks again for all your help!

  • Hey LittleStain! Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I read the link you supplied and tinkered a bit but am still not knowing how to use these properly. My main problem is that I am unsure of how to set up a timer event that spawns an enemy in a certain place, the conditions and actions just don't seem to be available where I would think they should be. Like I can't use the condtion (on start of layout) and have the proper timer actions to go along with it. Also after I learn how to do this will timers succeed where my every x seconds events failed?

    I'm just trying to get my enemies to start spawning at the proper time only when I'm on the actual level layout and not while I'm on the menu screen layouts. I don't really see why the original logic in my .capx that I shared on here didn't work...

    So please LittleStain could you give me a short little example of an enemy spawning event with timers just so I can see the process of how to form them? I'm sorry for all the questions, but I am very thankful for everyone who has replied. Respond when you can please, thanks much.<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle"> Here is my demo .capx again for easy reference. SpawnTest1.0

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  • Thanks for the suggestion moonworx, but it did not work for me. I set it up just like your screenshot and it played just like the way it was originally. Thanks anyway! Do you have any other ideas? <img src="smileys/smiley38.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    I don't have much experience with timers. Could you explain in a bit more detail how I could make this work the same way by using them? I really appreciate it!

    Thanks and please respond soon!

  • Hey plinkie and everyone! Sorry responding took a long time, I have been very busy lately. Here is a test .capx for the problem I am still facing.


    You will notice that enemy spawn times are different if you start from the menu (layout 1) than if you start from layout 2 the actual game scene. So please check it out for me. I set up a global variable text that is initially set to off, but when the yellow block falls on the player at the beginning of the layout it sets it to on. I tried to make my events so that the enemies only start to spawn once the variable is on but it still doesn't work properly. Basically I only want my spawn events to start when layout 2 is started, if you guys could help me out with this I would be extremely happy. Thanks much in advance!   <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Hey plinkie, the parent event of my sub-events is just:

    (system) compare variable, LayoutStart = 1) with no action

    So I guess it's not doing anything huh? I wanted to do it tulamide's way but with a boolean instead of a large number, unfortunately I had trouble fully understanding it. Could you or tulamide explain it to me in really simple steps please? The way I write my events in my posts is kinda how I perceive them if that makes any sense. Thanks for all your patience guys. Please respond soon, thanks!

  • Thanks for the responses everyone. I tried using a boolean variable and it kinda works... For some reason one wave of enemies from the sub-events fires off almost instantly upon start of layout, after that their timing is about right. Does anyone know why it makes all of them just spit out on start up like that?

    I now have an event that sets the LayoutStart GlobVariable from 0 to 1 on start of layout. Then I have another event comparing the variable to 1 but it does not have an action is this okay? And finally I have sub-events under the compare variable to 1 event for all my x seconds enemy spawns. Does that sound like it should work? Thanks again and hopefully I'll get this working!

  • Thanks ryackov! I'll try that out and let you know how it goes. <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello again everyone. I have a question for you if you could spare a second or two. I have 8 layouts so far, the first one is a start screen, then I have 4 containing each page of my story. The next one is a tutorial and after that my main level layout starts. My last layout is a game over screen. Now my problem is that for my main level layout I have many timed events such as:

    (condition (system, every 30 seconds) = (action (create object "robot" on layer 2 (x12751,y430)

    And after progressing through the 6 beginning layout screens the timing of all those events are messed up like they had started when I was on the start screen. I don't think I could add "at start of layout" to any of them because they need to be going constantly through the main level once it starts and wouldn't that condition make the event untrue after the first cycle? Does anyone know a trick to add to my events that would fix this? Thanks, and I appreciate every bit of your help!<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks for that idea basspenguin! What else do you think I could do to resolve my lag problems? My system is a fairly nice gaming PC so I'm not lacking at all hardware wise I don't think. Currently Construct 2 says the approx download size of my game is 129.6 mb and memory usage is at 661.4 mb, so it's kinda big but I have 8gigs of RAM an i3-2120 3.3ghz CPU and a GTX 660 Ti GPU which I'm sure it barely uses. Also it's coming off of a sata II SSD. Is there a thread on these forums that has a list of things to do to increase performance? When you said "But honestly their are other ways to resolve performances issues too. Make sure to check a few of those out." What were you referring to? Please let me know soon and thanks again! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi all! I have been having some lag issues lately most likely due to how long my level is getting. So I thought of two things that when working together might help. But I would like your help and opinion. Firstly creating a series of gates throughout my level that my main sprite could not pass through until he finished all of the objectives between each one. Secondly after he passed through a gate have it dump all of the level data behind him and not allow him to go back unless the layout was restarted.


       Would that help lessen the lag that I get half-way through my current level?(which I am still expanding further) And if so how would I go about dumping parts of the level data within the same layout? I'm pretty sure I know how to setup the gates it's just the level dumping that I'm not sure how to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks for the suggestion Thndr, but when I put trigger once on top nothing happens... You wouldn't happen to have an example on how to make events for a health bar that refills would you? Let me know, thanks!

  • Hey Pixel. Well I set it to less than 5 because if I had five I don't want it going off and busting out of my Health bar frame.

  • Hi alspal, thanks for the response. It would help me greatly if you could tell me how you would make an event similar to this but the right way please. Thanks again.

  • Hi all! It seemed like on the older version of construct 2 my health bar functioned normally. But ever since I updated to r132 I have had strange problems. For instance I set up an event like this:

    EventCondition1(<system> compare variable "Score" is greater than or = to 25)

    EventCondition2(<player> compare instance variable "life" is less than 5)

    EvnetCondition3(<system> trigger once while true)

    Action(<player> add 1 to "Life")

    So I have a max of 5 life, and with this event if I'm below 5 life and I hit 25 or greater score my life bar should refill by 1. That part works, but for some reason if I still have 5 life when I hit 25 or greater score I become invincible!!! According to my logic the event shouldn't activate if I have 5 health, but my health bar will not go down after this. Is my logic correct? Is this a bug? Any help or information on this would be great! Thanks in advance.<img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> And this is just 1 of 3 strange things that have happened to my game recently.<img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />