2dchaos's Forum Posts

  • In R99 the option to add polygon points is disabled when you?re not selecting a point. Is this behavior intended?

    Maybe not a bug, but the Guess polygon SHape is behaving much less efficiently.

  • The problem is how to be found in the appcenter. Our apps have great chances to become lost among the tons of farmville clones and casino games(for now is all I see on the appcenter frontpage).

  • When I�m playing a sound file inside C2, if I change focus from the tab/window that is playing it and return, the sound clip that was playing begins to play from the start.

    A better behaviour would be to pause the sound and begin from where it was paused when focused.

  • Thanks for the anwser rex

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  • Hello, it?s a nice initiative. I don?t have much time to play right now, but you need to work your controls better.

    Return+Mouse click to select units is very counter intuitive. You should try to work a click+drag selection box.

    There need to be a identifier when a unity is selected or not too.

  • Please, make an option to turn off the sound, it�s very loud ;]

  • > I like this idea ;] The animation editor is not so intuitive as the rest of the interface right now. I?m missing badly a preview animation button.

    > Double click to insert new frame in the frame stripe would be a welcome addition too.

    You can preview at this time, right click on the animation name (right menu inside the editor) and click on preview. =]

    Hahah, nice, thanks for the tip ;]

    But I would prefer a big red play button somewhere

  • My bad, the error happens when you try to break a line after the quotes, like this:






    Is it possible to use expressions like random(a,b) as parameters?

  • Awesome plugin rex, it�s going to help me in all sorts of manners, thanks.

    Found a little bug(maybe it�s not intended to work this way)

    When you start a list of commands with wait(eg:"wait,,0,move,500,wait,,"), it shows up this error window:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug_rex.PNG" border="0" />

  • I like this idea ;] The animation editor is not so intuitive as the rest of the interface right now. I�m missing badly a preview animation button.

    Double click to insert new frame in the frame stripe would be a welcome addition too.

  • I�m reading the description and it�s geatting a lot clearer to me the ways I can use it, amazing plugin again rexrainbow, thanks

  • Yeah at last things are moving....

    And when the HTML5 market explodes, we?ll be on the front, the new Gamedev Overlords sitting in our thrones made of sweet cross-compatibility metal and the skull of a thousand dead flash developers who didn?t believe! mwahahahahn

    one can dream ;P

  • But it?s getting better:


    I think there?s a lot of reasons to be optmistic: Chrome is now the default browser with Android 4.1, the new mobile safari seens to be fast as hell and with the Nexus 7 I think there will be a lot of new devices with fast processors in the low budget market.

  • +1 for the OnTweenEnd, thank you for the awesome plugin ;]

    This should be in the final release of C2

  • I?ve got this old habit from Photoshop to press alt when I?m resizing to try to resize from the middle(please, put this in the to-do list ;x).

    When I do this in C2 while resizing a sprite, it sometimes crashes C2.

    I can?t reproduce the bug, it happens ramdomly.
