Thanks Telles0808 but how do I keep the spin cycle working with what you just produced?
If its not to much trouble could you implement it into my .capx file above?
Cant seem to get it to work, Id like it to stop aswell and then on-click start rotation again.
I'm not one for maths, the height is 6144 so I assume this is correct:
I have 5 different fruit and a 6th which is the first fruit for the loop.
I have spin part but its going the wrong way so I need to change that aswell.
That makes no sense to me?... I don't understand code, I have a single image with 5 different fruit and the 6th is the same as the first fruit. I want it to spin and stop on a random fruit each time. (No Animation)
I might just do that!
Bingo Wink!
Funky Script has already been created and is waiting the giant slot machines which is up to me to create but I don't know much about code so I'm finding it hard to create and therefore need urgent help!
I've seen that post but I don't understand it. I'm trying to create a giant slot machine using multiple ipad's so one slot per ipad. I want it to do exactly what R0J0hound's example does only full size.
Can you help?
How do I get random positions to make a slot machine?
I've looked at examples but I still don't understand how it works...
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I'm still stuck...
What other events do I have to change to get the thing working?
Thank you! :)
Hi Guys & Girls,
I am in the process of creating a giant slot machine using multiple iPads!
Sounds great right!
But I need your help...
I currently have one slot (out of 3) rotating upwards but I want it to rotate downwards like a normal slot machine would but I can't figure out how to do this and I bet its the easiest thing to do...
Here is my Capx file
Anybody know how I can make it 360* rotate left and right using touch functions? At the moment it only rotates one way.
Cheers Kyatric,
Gonna try and add some touch functions to it!
When will it be ready?...
I really need something to work with now!