part12studios - I don't think you have the right syntax there. For arrays, the X, Y, and Z represent the 1D, 2D, and 3D coordinates for the array. In C2, you want to specify your array size and you always do this in X, Y, Z terms. So, even if you have a simple array of 10 items (i.e., you only need the X-coord), you still specify the size as (10,1,1).
If you had a 2D array of 5x2, then size = (5,2,1).
You would not need two files for your jokes and punchlines, unless you wanted to. I would just put joke, punchline, joke, punchline in a 2D array and access the jokes and punchlines with [x,y] coordinates.
Joke 1 = [0,0]
Joke 1 punchline = [0,1]
Joke 2 = [1,0]
Joke 2 punchline = [1,1]