00Rez's Forum Posts

  • IPhone 4 ios 5 a mean haha

  • Fimbul Arima

    Thanks. I was wondering where those bugs were. I just integrated a good open source astar script into a plugin. Few changes so far added cost weighting and an open source bit array script. works very well on iPhone 5. The plugin is called astar and the behavior is "pathfinder"

  • Very nice and thanks for mentioning that method and sharing the example! Sure seems like it'd help minimize code and optimize things.

    Would be especially helpful in constructing a Terraria-like game methinks. :)


    The full article mentions adding extra tiles Terraria style. Although the process is exponential so many many images to add! There will be faster ways of doing auto tiling. Currently my plugin only changes tiles that need changing rather than checking every tile which increases speed. This is just one optimization of probably many.

    Thanks for the comment!

  • This is released.

    Go here to download latest version.

    Thank you,


  • rexrainbow

    Thanks rex! Your timeline method worked a treat. The plugin is a super fast path finding plugin that uses "pathfinder" behaviors. The original path finding algorithm is MIT License not my own code but the interesting part is someone added bit vectors and arrays to optimise it increasing speed *substantially*. Not sure who this person is though... Still MIT license so will upload eventually.

  • rexrainbow

    Using your first method would this allow dynamic access? As the data is changed in the plugin would it also update in the behavior? Sorry if this is a simple question! <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • rexrainbow

    I remembered you had some plugins that did this, thought I'd throw this out there before delving deeper.

    Your plugins/behaviors are massively useful Rex! Thanks for your time and effort.

  • I noticed this post mentions access. I'll have a further look later.

  • Ashley or whoever

    Is it possible to have a single plugin with some data/methods then have a separate behavior that can access this plugin data/methods?

    If it is possible what would be the best/simplest way of access?

    This would be very similar to the Solid behavior actually but I haven't had a good dig around that yet.

    Thanks for your time,


  • so **** O.o !!

    Haha thanks!

  • Pretty nifty, I had wanted to do similar in classic, since it'd be easier

    to do solving with a plugin as compared to doing it with events.

    Does it check to see which tiles are collideable or not?

    Thanks! There is no grid/array the sprites are set based on position so you would have to snap to grid or whatever. Collision's would be handled in Construct. It's pretty easy with events in C2 as well by using separate collision checking I think. Tried it a while back.

    Wow! This will come in handy on a new prototype I'm working on!

    Nice work!

    Nearly there with it been busy of late, hold tight!

  • I'm impressed at the performance of this, compared to event-based field of view. However, there are a number of bugs with pathfinding. I've modified your demo to demonstrate: here.

    You can cause a crash a number of different ways:

    -Place a second instance of the Enemy object.

    -Require the Enemy to find a new path as often as it moves.

    -Right-clicking excessively will eventually cause a crash. This usually happens when the Enemy is adjacent to a Blocker object (orthogonally or diagonally) even when the object is not in the way of the path. Oddly enough, this never becomes an issue if you control the player with the arrow keys.

    There are also some unexpected behaviors which, although not exactly bugs, would still be considered unexpected:

    -The behavior assumes all objects are equal to the grid size. This becomes an issue e.g. if using a tiled background for the walls.

    -In some cases, the behavior thinks the object for which fov is being calculated is inside a wall. I haven't yet been able to reproduce this outside of one project, but one solution is to ignore the tile the object is currently occupying.

    Thanks for this seven.

    I'll have a look. With regards to tile size are you saying to calculate the cells that are blocked based on the dimension of the object rather than position and tile size?

    The wall thing occurs when you place the "player" on top of a cell that is blocked didn't think it blocked itself?

    Working on the pathfinding <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle">

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  • Hey!

    This is just a demo I knocked up for a simple auto tiling behavior I made. Not sure if anyone has already done this but here we go...

    Platform auto tile example

    (Try falling.)

    It's not overly complex and only for platforms. It uses 16 images in an animation strip.

    It's based on Salt's bitwise method here and could be extended easily.

    Will upload behavior soon!

    • Rez
  • Update!

    Upcoming changes (r2.2):

    • Radius is now set within actions.
    • The action to draw sight cells now has the options to draw "seen", "not seen", etc.

    To do:

    • Need to remove various crap from the scripts.
    • Better opacity rules when drawing cells.
    • Choice of using custom opacity rules.
    • Make smooth grid movement work. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
  • seven


    New version uploaded still alpha let me know what you think and if any problems occur...


    Updated today see first post.