Soluna Bundle pack - Download problem !!!

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From the Asset Store
954 High-Quality combat sounds for your video games
  • Hi, I have bought the Soluna bundle pack (Epic Platformer, 600 Retro Sounds, 350 Sprite Fonts, 300 Effects) at Scirra website and I am facing a problem when trying to download the file, when it reachs the 30% it cancel the download. Please provide me another way to donwload it, You can check my purchase at Scirra if needed.

    Thanks in advance


  • Im also having the same problems with the packs (explosion effects) I purchased yesterday. Must have tried around 20 times. Cant get the files to download.

  • im trying to get another way to download by the Soluna team, once I got I will let you know or maybe you can go ahead and try talk to them in facebook as well

    cya around

  • im talking to them right now, give me your email I will send to them so they will provide you another link to download.

  • The seller was able to give me another way to download the package, I already donwloaded it. Thanks a lot for that.

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  • I'm still unable to download any of the graphics packs I purchased Saturday. Waiting for support to help

  • Whenever you have troubles like that, please contact , don't post in the forums, don't "regroup" and ask for several people at the same time, personally email the support providing your payment reference number and your issue shall be treated as soon as possible during UK business hours.

    The website is undergoing some work currently which may explain the slow downloads of big archive. Hopefully this will be soon fixed.

  • Kyatric, for your information the first thing I did was contact Sellers Suport, then I contact Scirra Support (that I got no answer yet). For my point of view I dont see a reason why I cannot the forums to post issues I guess this topic was made for it or am I wrong. So, please be carrefully with your answer next time, I am a Scirra client and so I deserve the right respect. btw the problem was fixed by the seller. thanks.

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