Keep me logged in.

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  • Tom: Another issue I now notice is that I'm logged in the forums/on the website, but not in the arcade.

    As usual, my browser of choice is FireFox and apparently, 12 days ago it was working, but today I tried to answer a comment posted on one of my games and the button login does take me to the main page (where I'm logged in), but when going back to the arcade from there, I'm still considered/displayed as not logged in.


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  • I wasn't logged out since yesterday so I guess things are working for me now too.

  • Hey, two days in row, still logged in! I'm using Chrome, and I am indeed logged in on the forums/site and the arcade.

  • Ok, good news. You can now login from multiple devices and stay logged in on each.

    Will have to let new changes soak in to see if it keeps you logged in, although I'm hopefully optimisitc.

    Hey there,

    I can't be logged in on multiple devices.

    For example, I log in on computer. When I log in on tablet, I'm automatically logged out on computer. Is there any way to be logged in on multiple devices?

  • > Ok, good news. You can now login from multiple devices and stay logged in on each.


    > Will have to let new changes soak in to see if it keeps you logged in, although I'm hopefully optimisitc.


    Hey there,

    I can't be logged in on multiple devices.

    For example, I log in on computer. When I log in on tablet, I'm automatically logged out on computer. Is there any way to be logged in on multiple devices?

    I don't think this will ever be fixed. I mentioned this nearly a year ago and still nothing.

  • Will this ever work/be fixed, Tom?

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