Octobrain Boss — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!
<p>OCTOBRAIN!, this fast spreading and dangerous alien must be exterminated, intel says his brainwaves can completly shut down your body, act with extreme caution or extreme violence...</p><h3>A complete endlevel solution</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>Create multiple level bosses for your game, each with there own look and behavior, a mindcontrolling alien, ... lots of cool ways to change up controls and trick the player, use cool shaders to make it an unique experience!</p><h3>features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- 9 boss variations
- animated brainwave with loopsequence
- multiple round projectiles
- smaller projectiles
- lazerbeam regular and stretched
- boss 31 animated frames / idle animation and more
<h3>animation</h3><div class="deshr"></div><p>its mainly a graphic-pack but i wanted some motion, so now includes 31 frames animating different features, with these frames you can create different sequences, completly unique for your character.</p><p>Animationsequence: (playing in demo)</p><p>frame 3,2,1,0 Ping-pong + Loop "yes" setting = breathing/idle</p><h3>trivia:</h3><div class="deshr"></div>
- Octobrain last spotted in the research center The Device
- screenshot backgrounds created with Planet FX2
<p>Have fun! Contact me with any questions you might have</p>
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