Adventure Starter Tileset (Tilemaps)

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  • 6 posts
From the Asset Store
levels and worlds for game, unlock player, color mode, saving to local storage, support multiple screen, popup etc
  • Adventure Starter Tileset — Now for sale in the Scirra Store! ... ileset-494

    A varied, colorful collection of grass terrain, objects, items, decoration and other assets that set you off to make any game you want.Great for platformers, action-adventure and exploration games or any other genre. Can be used in side-scrolling or static games/levels, this tileset will make your game stand out either way!Make landscapes of rock and grass, add the various plants and flowers. Pick- and power ups like coins and diamonds (even a golden skull). Of course, there's a treasure chest (animated opening filled with gold, or empty if you prefer) to keep all the loot in place. Take in underground and build a dungeon with gargoyles, torches and perhaps create some puzzles by using a switch here and there. It's all here, and more!

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Adventure Starter Tileset

  • Looks nice robin

  • Looks nice robin

    Thank you!

  • New screenshot, showing the whole package!

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  • Wow, nice set. Can I ask whether if I can use this for a small commercial project? Do you also have a suggested character set that will match this starter set?

  • Wow, nice set. Can I ask whether if I can use this for a small commercial project? Do you also have a suggested character set that will match this starter set?

    Thank you

    Yes, you can! Here's a quote from the license description;

    "Licensee may use the Licensed Content in up to 1 commercial projects. A commercial project is one defined as a Work for Distribution launched with the capability to generate revenue, or intention to generate revenue through the sale of, licensing of, or otherwise intend to generate revenue directly from the Work for Distribution. If Licensee wishes to use the Licensed Content in more than 1 commercial projects they will need to purchase an additional License or the Licensed Content at the exclusive price if one is available (c.4)."

    For more check this out:

    Regarding the character, I'm planning to bring out character sets. But at this time those are not available yet.

    I hope that helped

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