The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Meu nome é João Pedro, sou do Rio de Janeiro, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

    Eu ouvi falar do site no meu curso de jogos digitais, na Universidade Veiga de Almeida ( UVA), com o meu professor de Desenvolvimento de Jogos 2D, FABIO DOS SANTOS GONÇALVES, e estou aprendendo com o programa....

  • Hello

    I'm not gonna say my name for security reasons but hi, i'm new in the whole game design thing. I'm trying to learn so that I can teach my little brother, who wants to become a game designer when older, how to create his own games - even if its something basic. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    In short: I like swimming, animals, nature, I'm a conservationist and environmentalist and musician.

  • Hello. I am EuroStep451. This website looks really fun and I am really into gaming. I hope I can prove my skills in these forums. Thanks

  • Hello. I am a wannabe Michelangelo Buonarotti and a wannabe Leonardo Da Vinci hence Michelangelo "Mike" Da Vinci. (Well, not really. The nickname was given to me by a friend back in elementary school, but that's not that important.)

    I've been using Construct since its first rendition, now known as Construct Classic. In fact, that's the only version I've ever used. It is thanks to it that I am here. The third version got me interested due the fact that it runs in browser. I'm a computer programmer myself and I don't really need to use game development tools (I can code "from scratch") but I am interested in their potential as well as their development.

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  • Hello!

    I'm a long-time RPG Maker dev doing the big jump to Construct 2. The change hasn't been as dramatic as I expected (similar eventing system + hello Javascript, nice to see you again), but some new stuff still confuse me. Hold my hand.

  • Hello!

    I'm a long-time RPG Maker dev doing the big jump to Construct 2. The change hasn't been as dramatic as I expected (similar eventing system + hello Javascript, nice to see you again), but some new stuff still confuse me. Hold my hand.

    How funny, I just posted an introduction on the webpage! I'm currently developing in C2, but I kind of like how MV is looking (and I could use some of the resources for reference lol). Glad to have you here, I'm good with a few things but I get so brain dead at times I can't even remember basic things half the time. Everyone is actually rather helpful, so don't be afraid to ask!

  • Hi all!

    I'm a former Visual Studio/RPG Maker MV developer making a jump into action games with Construct 3! I'll be searching for members for my new game shortly as well.

    I've been making indie games over 20 years now, and this is the language I think i've settled on for my next project.

    I really like how simple and easy it is to develop games using this tool! Hope to chat with you all later.

  • Hi.

    I'm back.

    My life fell apart and am picking up the pieces.

    I was here a while ago under the name Rodak, but my free email service stopped allowing free accounts and I lost my email while trying to put my life back together.

    Hopefully I can get my game making back on track too!

    I'll be pestering people about how to make the few features I can't figure out, but let's start with this re-introduction and a hello!

    More annoyances coming soon...

  • [img=


    Hello Everybody !!! First of all God Bless you all ,,,

    My name is Albert AR and I'm a Developer since 2012,My Studio name its called >>TeamOne<< I've Developed a Video Game called >CoquiTheGame< for the Nintendo WiiU>> links below

    Nintendo eShop Link>>

    Facebook Link>>

    Never give up !!!

    Dreams Come True when you Work Hard !!!!

  • Hi.

    I'm back.

    My life fell apart and am picking up the pieces.

    I was here a while ago under the name Rodak, but my free email service stopped allowing free accounts and I lost my email while trying to put my life back together.

    Hopefully I can get my game making back on track too!

    I'll be pestering people about how to make the few features I can't figure out, but let's start with this re-introduction and a hello!

    More annoyances coming soon...

    Welcome back! I keep going away and coming back too. I think this is the third time I've come back after moving on to other hobbies. Seems like every winter I start messing with game making. If I can't be out canoe tripping and camping it's because there is snow on the ground and ice on the lakes... and so I make video games.

    Good luck!

  • If I can't be out canoe tripping and camping it's because there is snow on the ground and ice on the lakes... and so I make video games.

    Life is good ^^

  • I'm Josh. Hey, gang :)

    Just launched my first game!

  • Hi NewBie here hoping to learn and get some hints here thanks, have a nice day

  • Hello world!

    I'm new in this amazing world of game development and I'll start my studies with this engine.

    See y'all soon!

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