The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

From the Asset Store
Introduce a quirky, lively character to your game with the Chirple Sprite Sheet.
  • I've always dreamed of being a game designer, but I don't know a lick of coding. I hope to learn SOMEHOW, but in the mean-time construct seems like an easy way to make great games.

    Just call me Digital, or Beast, or Digital Beast or any iteration of the name!

  • Hello! New here(obviously) I've always wanted to make games, but I found it hard to learn code, so eventually I poked around and found this. From what I've heard and seen, this thing works great. So I hope I can make something awesome with it.

  • Imma Beginner and I just finna wanted to make a game so I searched engines for beginners and found this and Stencyl so yea we finna be lit up in this Engine

  • [quote:2y937q9m]yo im from us and i learned about it from my friend when i was eating ramen


  • Just realised I've never introduced myself!

    Hello, I'm mekonbekon, making games for fun and (hopefully) profit. Very glad to have found C2 and this great community.

  • Hi all, I'm a Javascript/HTML5 developper who enjoys extending C2 with plugins and behaviors, personnaly I think that C2 is a unique piece of software that makes it 10x easier for people to create web projects, and you will surely get addicted to it especially if you are a JS developper.

    I wish that there will be an app building version of C2 which provides droppable UI elements much like in Visual Studio.

  • Hi,

    My name is Enrique. I pretty much work in the entertainment industry mainly in film and tv as a cg artist. As a hobby I like to learn how to develop games. I've tried pretty much allot that is out there such as unreal 4, unity, udk, stencyl, gamemaker and so forth. I've came across Construct 2 about 6 months ago and I love it! Wish it implemented 3d like the other engines and maybe it might in the future but I still enjoy using the software more then the others.

  • Hello.

    My name is Matthew Slade. I live with my mother in a neighborhood house in Georgia, USA. I'm am an only child, besides my step-brother, and my dad has a step-son.

    I've found out about Construct 2 through what I consider an unusual way: searching "is it possible to distribute freeware on game maker forum" on Google; I was trying to see if I could do so, and lower down the list, I saw "Construct 2 is better than GameMaker: Studio"; a user was explaining on these very forums why, and after some research, I've decided to choose that over the latter; it was simpler for me, because I didn't have to work with a programming language, but the big deal-maker was that Scirra, the website distributing that program, was reminiscent of the old YoYo Games sandbox - something lost in recent years.

    I plan on creating Super Mario fan-games*, such as one similar to (but not exactly) the New Super Mario Bros. games**, those where Princess Peach is the main character, and a grittier, RPG-like version of the traditional games, games that use unexpected palettes for 8-bit graphics, and those that send good subliminal messages to players, among others, all of which will be wholesome - that is, no foul language, for example.***

    The most important part of my game development career is that I have fun in the process, and that it will be a very enjoyable experience for years and maybe decades to come. You can expect some great content come out of my work, so see you there.

    * They will be freeware, no matter what, and probably only distributed to the Scirra Arcade and as a download on a forum of mine due to legal concerns.

    ** They will actually be made "better"; for one, expanding on the usual, such as brick and item blocks.

    *** I am actually a wholesome person, just like the games.

  • hi my name is Hanna.I love gaming its like my hobby Dohnald trump sucks.

  • Kio será um jogo estilo ".io" onde será bem parecido com, porém com "classes" como Arqueiro, Mago e Guerreiro.

    O Guerreiro começará com uma Espada Velha, o Arqueiro com um Arco Curto e o Mago com uma Vareta.

    Cada um terá sua habilidade, o Guerreiro por exemplo, carregará um escudo, já o arqueiro, terá uma habilidade em que fará com que ele atire durante 5 segundos mais rápido e o Mago jogará uma bola de fogo.

    Teremos o machado, que será para as três classes, que servirá para pegar madeira e pedra, onde o jogador pode fazer várias coisas, como por exemplo o Muro, onde poderão fazer bases e uma Mina, onde ganhará Ouro, Muros de Pedra, uma defesa melhor e uma Torre, que atirará flechas nos invasores.

    Também haverá a opção de criar e entrar em Clans, onde os integrantes não poderão se atacar.

    Inicialmente é isso, essa será a base do jogo, poderemos ter mais atualizações e etc, como por exemplo um Guerreiro virar um Bersek, um Mago virar um Feiticeiro, e etc...

  • Hello, i'm Mike, I work as a desktop application developer during the day. I'm looking to develop games in my spare time. Thought I might try and learn construct 2 for cross platform development. I'd also like to teach my kids programming and thought this would be a great way for them to see their work in the market place.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hello

  • Hey! I'm Nancy. I am interested in computer programming and learning how to build games and apps. I am new to this, so any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hello everyone, I am Chris, a noob programmer from Germany. After playing many games in my spare time I wanted to learn, how they are made and how can I do this myself, so I came here

  • Hi I love Construct 2

    I heard about it at school.

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